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Halloween Costumes: Classy vs. Trashy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

Contrary to the famous quote Lindsay Lohan says in Mean Girls about how,Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total s**t and no other girls can say anything about it,Halloween at Bentley does not have to fall under that category. There are numerous costume ideas that are far more classy than trashy and can still look cute.

If you are trying to figure out a cute costume to wear for Halloween, but don’t want it to be too revealing, there are many different options to choose from:

1.    Referee or Sports Player

Being in college, most of us are involved with various sports, and a typical go-to costume is a referee or a player. There are some extremely cute Halloween sports costumes, and then there are some that make you wonder whether or not they forgot to include the rest of the outfit in the package. For example, if you feel like showing a little leg, think about covering up with a more conservative top.
2.    Santa’s Helper

Holiday costumes are always a hit, especially those relating to Christmas. Don’t get yourself on the ‘naughty list’ with a trashy outfit—Santa wouldn’t want his little helpers showing all of their presents.
3.    Military

Who doesn’t LOVE a man in a uniform? It works both ways with female military, cop, doctor, and firefighter outfits, when worn correctly. There are so many different types of costumes that can be worn for Halloween at college, and everybody wants to be unique and stand out. Funny thing is, though, you don’t have to let it out to stand out; a better alternative to being too revealing is covering it up.
4.    Cowgirl

With Halloween being in the middle of the first semester, a lot of us still have summer on our mind, whether we’re reminiscing about how much fun we had or wishing the weather was still similar. I think a lot of people will agree with me when I say that when I picture summer, I think of country music and hanging out with friends.
With that being said, many students use the country theme and dress as cowgirls for Halloween. However, the traditional Daisy Dukes, Plaid Tied Up Shirt, and a Pair of Boots is a classic way of looking cute for Halloween, while other girls didn’t get the memo that accessories do not count as an outfit.

With Halloween right around the corner, keep in mind these simple ideas of how to stay classy and not trashy.


Kathryn Burgner is a member of the class of 2013 at Bentley University and is majoring in Information Design & Corporate Communications, with minors in Marketing and Gender Studies. Kathryn is so excited to be a part of the Her Campus team and be the founder of Her Campus Bentley! Kathryn loves going to school near Boston, but she also loves her hometown of Dalton, MA, where she grew up in the Berkshires on a turkey farm. Kathryn loves singing, acting, dancing ballet, baking, & playing volleyball, and is interested in gender issues, fashion, and health & fitness. She is a founding member of the Masters of Bentley Acappella (MBAs) and enjoys being involved with the Women's Center at Bentley, Alpha Psi Omega Honorary Theatre Society, and Resident Assistance at Bentley. Kathryn aspires to work as an editor, social media professional, or marketing design professional in Boston, MA after her experiences at Bentley! Kathryn would like to thank her family and friends for their love and support towards all of her experiences and dreams.