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10 Ways to Decorate Your Dorm Room

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

10 Ways to Decorate Your Dorm Room

By Hannah Yoon

Whether you’re living on Newton, Upper, or Lower, you were probably ready to cover the bare, white walls in your dorm rooms as soon as you walked in on move-in day. Since then, a lot of effort has most likely been given to add that “home-y” feel to your dorm. However, it’s never to late to decorate your room even more or add that final touch! Here are some ways to “dress up” your room!


1.     Rearrange your furniture to find the best layout. Moving a piece of furniture from one side of the room to the other can make a huge difference! When I walked into my room on CoRo, there were two drawers awkwardly placed in the middle of the room. It made the room look a lot smaller, so my roommate and I tried changed things up after being inspired by our friends. (Hint: If you are unsure on how to set up your room, don’t be shy! Check out how some of the other people on your floor have arranged their rooms) We moved our beds, drawers, and desks into the perfect setup! It helped us feel less restricted in our room!  

2.     Loft your bed for storage. One of my dorm-decorating regrets from freshman year was not lofting my bed! Putting your mattress up two or even three notches can make a world of a difference! This idea frees up valuable floor space for studying with friends and lounging. This year, I put by mini- fridge underneath my bed and now, my room seems more spacious! Raising your bed also makes room for hidden storage. Have you been complaining about how you don’t have enough space for all of the shoes and clothes you brought? Use long storage containers to organize shoes, clothes, and other things you want to easily access Putting these containers under your bed can help eliminate clutter in your room.

3.     Turn your bed into a couch! How nice would it be to be able to fit a couch into your room? It’s not very practical in most college dorm rooms, but you can get creative and turn your bed into one. During the day, add decorative throw pillows against the wall to turn your bed into a couch. If you want, this can even create additional seating for your friends!

4.     Get a rug. Adding a rug makes your room seem like your little home. It’s great for when your friends come over to hang out and if you want to hold a study session in your room! Rugs are also a great way to add personality and color to the room.

5.     Add personality with art. Make your room your own by adding your favorite quotes and prints from Pinterest or Etsy shops. Once you’ve made your picks, frame them to add a polished feel. Soon enough, your room will look like a trendy art gallery!

6.     Bring nostalgic items from home. The first few weeks of college are hard transition especially for those who are leaving home for the first time. Integrating items from your room at home into your dorm room can offer you support and comfort whenever you feel homesick!


7.     Your jewelry collection is a piece of décor itself! Are you obsessed with statement necklaces from J.Crew and Francesca’s Boutique as I am? Well here’s a great way to show them off in your room! Make a DIY jewelry organizer like this one (http://www.deliciouslyorganized.com/2012/04/diy-organize-necklaces-on-cork-board.html) and hang it on your wall.

8.     Don’t get a typical calendar for your room. Try out this DIY Calendar, made with paint samples and a picture frame (http://mapleandmagnolia.com/paint-chip-calendar/). I made one before coming to school; not only was it easy to make, but it’s also so convenient to use. You can use a dry-erase marker to add dates and days of the week for the month, and at the start of a new month, you can erase the writing and start over!

9.     Use Washi tape to outline your posters. This is a great way to give your poster collection a more cohesive feel.

10.  Add more lighting. Christmas lights are an awesome way to add lighting to the room, but unfortunately, we aren’t allowed to use them until after Thanksgiving. In the mean time, when you’re not using desk lamp, point the light upwards to brighten up your room! Who says desk lamps are just for studying? Bright room, bright mind!

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Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum