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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bates chapter.

Lord know finals are tough, and it feels like we all go through a million emotions and states of being while we write, study, cram, and stress out because of exams, projects, presentations, and papers. While it can seem like we’re all alone in our own little bubbles of finals-induced stress, we’re all experiencing similar things.

Drinking coffee and caffeinated beverages to keep us awake on those long nights

Looking back at what you wrote and realizing the entire thing needs to be rewritten

Being on a roll with work and someone trying to distract you

Needing emotional support from friends

Having a breakdown and being overwhelmed together

Trying to study while your evil self tempts you to procrastinate

Attempting to learn via osmosis and pain

Wanting to go out and just forget the struggle

Feeling dead inside because there’s too much work

Hoping for some divine intervention

Never wanting to leave your bed because that means you need to do work

When you realize you forgot something

Your response when someone checks in on you

Noticing that your mind is wandering and scolding it

As defeating and horrible as this seems, just remember:

Rachel Minkovitz is a senior at Bates College double majoring in Psychology and French and Francophone Studies. She spends a lot of time listening to music, hanging out with friends, reading and writing, advocating for social justice, and looking for furry animals.