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Even though finals season is upon us, don’t fear!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Columbia Barnard chapter.

Article by: Julia Pickel 

Here are some tips to ace your exams:

1.Start studying now! Even though finals are still a couple weeks away, you can save yourself some time stress and all-nighters by getting all course materials and starting to read over your notes to remind yourself what you’ve been learning all semester. This will help to jog your memory for when you do sit down to study during reading days. 

2.Go to all review sessions. If your professor or TA is holding a review session, it’s always a good idea to go. Often times these  will help you review the material and see what will be most important for the exam, so you don’t waste your time reviewing unnecessary material. 

3.Find a buddy. Spending all that time alone studying in the library can become isolating. Find a friend in your class and quiz each other on the material or explain concepts to one another. Explaining to a friend will also help you know the material even better. 

4.Give yourself breaks. The one thing that’s better about spring finals than winter ones is the weather! It’s almost summer, so take the time to get outside and go on a walk or run with a friend in Riverside park. Make sure you take breaks every couple of hours so that way you have something to look forward to while you’re studying. 

5.Eat healthy, exercise, and sleep well. Taking care of yourself is one of the easiest things you can do to ace your finals. Eating food that will fuel your brain will help you feel upbeat during this stressful time. FitBear classes are free these next couple weeks, so definitely take advantage of them! Sleeping a solid eight hours a night will help you much more than cramming the whole night before and being exhausted during your exam. But if you do find yourself pulling an all-nighter during finals, make sure it’s at least two to three days before your exam so you aren’t too sleep deprived. 

Good luck, Barnard Bears! I’m sure you’ll ace those exams.