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Top Five Shows To Watch When You’re Having A Difficult Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Augustana chapter.

Even with the holidays right around the corner, the beginning of December can bring on a lot of stress, anxiety, and, in some instances, seasonal depression. Or, perhaps, the reason for so much stress, anxiety, and seasonal depression is, in fact, the holiday season. Either way, bad days are more frequent in cold weather, so when you feel the need to spend some time away from everyone in a comfy space of your own, here are five shows to help lift your spirits and, perhaps, give you a sense of calm and coziness this winter season.


5. Parks and Recreation

    I might be a bit biased in listing this one over The Office, but I’ve always found Parks and Recreation to be the best straight-up comedy to watch when I’m having a bad day. Aside from good humor, writing, and quirky characters, Parks and Recreation is also a show about optimism in the face of negativity and making the best out of really difficult situations. It’s a show that makes me feel hopeful, even if it feels as though everything is falling apart. Plus; it encourages self-love and care, and who can say no to a show like that?

  • anxiety
  • Katie Kleve is a sophomore at Augustana College studying English-Writing and Theater Arts. She has a fondness for birds, musicals, and media production, and spends her free time hanging out in the Theater and watching Gilmore Girls.
    Augustana Contributor