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10 Weirdest Themed Parties (& What to Wear to Them)

For some collegiettes™, themed parties are a rite of passage. Every weekend, some of you will ditch your usual going-out ensembles and parade around campus in togas or makeshift dresses. However, some themes are crazier than your typical toga or ABC party (collegiette™ for “anything-but-clothes”—that is, you make the costumes yourself). Read on for some of the strangest parties on campus and how to dress for them.

1. A Letter Party
Obviously our kindergarten teachers drilled the alphabet into our heads for one reason only: a letter party. With 26 different variations, letter parties challenge us to think of creative costumes. For example, at an “A” party everyone dresses up as something that starts with the letter “A.” While some girls will execute basic ideas, like dressing up as an apple, others tend to think outside of the box. “I’m obviously going to be adulterer by wearing a dress and a scarlet letter,” says Lauren, a junior at the University of Delaware. For a pop culture spin, dress up as “A” from Pretty Little Liars: all you’ll need is a pair of black leggings and a black hoodie. Accessorize with gloves and you’ll be the stealthiest girl at the party.

2. Prom Class of 1983
Admit it: we all secretly wish that we grew up in the 80’s.  This decade was a time of cheesy music, bright colors, and big hair—three staples of any blowout party. Fortunately, we have the chance to participate in this iconic decade by attending a faux 1980’s prom. After all, who doesn’t want to relive prom season? For this kind of party, it’s all about shopping at your local Goodwill or vintage store for inexpensive finds: make sure you look for bright colors and puffy sleeves.  Snag a can of hairspray from your college convenience store for a finishing touch. Need some pump-up music? Listen to Wham!, or even Hall and Oates.

3. YouTube Sensations
When it comes to procrastination, YouTube is your best friend. Who knew that one of our favorite pastimes could actually come in handy? “I thought the YouTube theme would be hard because it seems like the most viral hits are from people who dress fairly normally,” says Lynne, a sophomore at Northwestern University. “After doing some serious YouTube procrastination and looking up funny videos, I realized there were a lot of ideas to choose from.” The best thing about this theme is that there are so many options! “I dressed up as Antoine Dodson because I found him to be one of the funniest YouTube icons of the time,” says Erica, a sophomore at Boston University. Don’t remember him? Does “hide your kids, hide your wife” ring any bells?

But what if this costume is a little too 2010 for you?  No worries, 2011 had its fair share of infamous YouTube superstars.  Two of the biggest YouTube sensations are those little girls who rapped Nicki Minaj’s “Super Bass.” Thankfully, this costume can be as easy as reviving your Halloween outfit. In the event you didn’t dress up as a princess for Halloween this year, you can easily rock a short-sleeved shirt and miniskirt. Just don’t forget your tiara and microphone!

4. Five Dollar Prom
Another prom theme? Don’t worry, this one has a fun twist that won’t put a damper on your bank account.  For this theme, it’s all about dressing with a budget: $5 or less. Translation? We need to utilize our fabulous collegiette™ resources! Try stopping at your secondhand store for a cute mini dress or, if you’re feeling creative, make something yourself out of fabric from your local craft store. Saving money plus a prom theme: what could be better?

5. Dress as Your Middle School Self
Remember those awkward middle school pictures that make you cringe? Well, it’s time to take those pictures out of hiding and use them as inspiration.  This theme forces us to relive the days of braces, cliques, and all-around awkwardness. “It was really funny because, in college, you don’t get to see that side of your friends,” says Michelle King, a juniorat Emerson College and Her Campus intern.  For this party, you are your own inspiration. However, if you’re in need of some pointers, wear capri pants, a T-shirt, and a pair of Uggs or Birkenstocks (or maybe those ridiculously awesome Steve Madden platform sneakers we all had in 6th grade). Go that extra mile by teasing your hair for the frizzy effect or create braces out of paperclips.  During this blast from the past, just remember how lucky you are that these awkward days are over!

6. Rep Your Hometown
With every encounter you have with someone new, it’s almost certain that they’ll ask you where you’re from. Even if your new friend has never heard of your small town, they’ll usually nod as if it’s the coolest thing ever. For one night, let’s avoid that obligatory question by representing our hometowns, shall we? With all of your old spirit day shirts and field hockey uniforms, dressing up for this theme is as easy as reliving your high school years. Want to take it up a notch? Dress up as your old mascot: a cute version of your old mascot, obviously. You can even go to the party as a waitress from your favorite restaurant by wearing a black dress and attaching the restaurant’s business card with a safety pin. With this theme, you can quit the small talk or even use your costume as a conversation starter.

7. The Seven Deadly Sins
From the movie Se7ento the pre-teen book series that we secretly considered reading, the seven deadly sins are all the rage. For this party, get a little sinful by grabbing six of your closest friends and dressing up as lust, envy, vanity, wrath, sloth, gluttony, and avarice. The best part about this theme is that it’s so easy to find inexpensive outfits and accessories. “The seven deadly sins was so much fun and actually super easy,” says Annie, a sophomore at McGill University. “I was greed and I just went to Target and got a cheap, sparkly dress and a money sign necklace from a party store.” If you don’t want to buy a whole new outfit, focus on your props!  Hit up your local party store for some awesome accessories. This theme will show you that every now and then, it’s fun to be sinful!

8. Famous Couples
Do you ever watch rom-coms, read the latest tabloids and wish that you had a Hollywood-worthy romance? For this party, you can! This theme is all about channeling your favorite star-worthy couple. Lucky for us, there are so many options! Want a retro costume? Wear a LBD, have your beau wear a simple suit, and you two are instantly Holly Golightly and Paul (aka Fred) from Breakfast at Tiffanys. Want something more current? You and your GBFF can dress up as Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Dissick. You can rock something fierce and attach a Dash Boutique nametag so everyone knows which Kardashian you are (that is, the only one who ever appears to work at the stores). Your pseudo-Scott can wear a flashy suit and vibrant tie, or a pastel polo with a popped collar.  But what if you’re living the fabulous single life? No worries, there are so dynamic duos for you and your BFF to dress up as. Channel your inner Romy and Michele for a night by wearing colorful mini dresses and sky-high heels: just don’t forget that 90’s hair. With all of these ideas, you and your partner-in-crime will be the coolest power duo at the party.

9. Retirement Party
Sometimes, college is one big reminder that we’re all getting old: many of us are living on our own for the first time and actually have to save our money for those incredible Rag & Bone booties. A pseudo retirement party is the funniest way to get rid of your quarter- life crisis. For a more… mature look, grab a matronly dress from Goodwill and pair it with some nude stockings. With some finishing touches, like a pair of flats or gray spray paint for your hair, you’ll be just as cool as Betty White. 

10.  “What I Used to Want to Be”
While our friends from college know our major, most of them don’t know our what we wanted to be when we were younger.  This party brings back our childhood dreams. For this theme, accessorizing is key! Wanted to be a chef? Find a chef’s hat from a party store and pair it with a mini dress. Did you used to think that acting was your claim to fame? Throw on a boa and a pair of star-worthy shades. Not only is this idea super cute, but it also teaches your college buddies a thing or two about your childhood.

When it comes to odd themes, these parties are as cool as they get. However, you need to remember to have fun with these themes.  As social butterflies, we are bound to attend a weirdly themed party or two. Use the theme as a conversation starter or even as a funny story to tell your friends from home. Party away, collegiettes™!

College women from across the country

Kelsey is a senior at Boston University, studying Magazine Journalism  in the College of Communication. As a magazine junkie and fashion fanatic, she loves being a part of the Her Campus team! At BU, Kelsey is president of Ed2010 at Boston University.  She has interned for Time Out New York, Lucky, Anthropologie, and Marie Claire. Kelsey also has a fashion blog, The Trendologist, where she covers the latest trends, fashion shows, and red carpet reports. When she isn't busy, Kelsey loves hanging out with her friends and family, shopping, reading style blogs, going for a nice jog, listening to music, creating baked goods in the kitchen, watching movies, and eating tons of frozen yogurt and sushi! After graduation, Kelsey hopes to work as an editor for a fashion magazine. Follow Kelsey on Twitter and Instagram at @kmulvs and don't  forget to check out her "Catwalk to Campus" blog posts!