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These Sex-Positive TikTokers Are Teaching You Everything Health Class Never Did

TikTok has quickly become our top source of advice, from everything on how to apply your makeup to what books to read. But content creators also offer insight into more serious topics, including sex education. It’s no secret that a number of young people across the U.S. aren’t getting the sex education they need, especially when it comes to inclusivity. But thanks to many users, TikTok is putting the information we’re burning to learn right at our fingertips (with Doja Cat and Olivia Rodrigo songs playing in the background). Here are six sex-positive influencers you should be following on TikTok.

Dr. Jennifer Lincoln (@drjenniferlincoln

As Dr. Lincoln’s bio says, her account is “the health class you wish you had in HS.” She’s an OB-GYN, and you can find information on birth control, sexual health, and breakdowns of topics like the Texas abortion ban and the COVID vaccine’s effects on fertility on her page. Dr. Lincoln is great at breaking down complicated topics, and her followers agree. Her comment section is usually filled with those seeking advice or guidance on sexual health, or those who feel comfortable enough in sharing their own stories about the topics she’s discussing!

Dr. Nicole Sparks (@nicolealiciamd)

Also an OB-GYN, Dr. Sparks teaches TikTok about birth control, how to prepare for OB-GYN visits, and periods. With videos like, “How do you place a tampon?” and “I’m scared about getting my first period – please help!”, Dr. Sparks feels like TikTok’s big sister. 

Danielle Bezalel, MPH (@sexedwithdb)

Bezalel makes sexual health education easily accessible to everyone, with an emphasis on pleasure-focused, non-judgmental, medically accurate, and LGBTQ+ inclusive learning. She also hosts a sex-positive podcast! I especially love when Bezalel busts common sex myths

Tess Vanderhaeghe (@yes.tess)

Vanderhaeghe is a certified sex health educator that advocates for better, inclusive sex ed in schools. She has plenty of videos busting common myths surrounding sex! Vanderhaeghe incorporates TikTok trends in her sex ed, making learning about safe sex easier and more entertaining.  

Katie Haan (@itskatiehaan)

While she’s not a medical professional, Haan is a great source for videos on safe sex, love, and relationships (and is LGBTQ+ inclusive)! She covers pretty much any and every question you could have in a way that sounds like you’re having a conversation with a close friend.


let’s be honest we all god fed some BS at middle school sleepovers… #lies #rumors #myth #peerledsexed #safeseggs #seggseducation #EatFreshRefresh

♬ Silent – Silent
Dr. Heather Irobunda (@drheatherirobundamd)

Dr. Irobunda is an OB-GYN who talks about genital health, birth control, and much more! She has not only great advice, but the best energy (and I’m not the only one who thinks so – @katiekaitlyne.po commented, “Immediately ran to the comments to see if she practiced in my area and then was sad to see that she doesn’t. I bet she stays booked!” on one of Dr. Irobunda’s dancing videos). 

While it might not be the well-rounded sexual health curriculum that schools desperately need, these educators are helping TikTok – and you – have safer sex, one video at a time. 

Hi! I'm an editorial intern at Her Campus and Senior Editor at HC Pace! I can recite Gilmore Girls lines from memory and you can find me wherever books, dogs, or concerts are.