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Real Live College Guy Sean: How Do We Become More Than Just Facebook Friends?

Broke from calling late night love lines for advice? Looking for the lowdown on the hoedown when it comes to college guys? Real Live College Guy Sean is here to help you pick apart the mind of the average college guy. Whether it’s avoiding that awkward weekend hook-up, or full-on relationship advice, Sean is here to save the day!

There’s a guy I met at a party and it seemed to me like we really hit it off. We share a lot of the same interests and had a great, in-depth conversation. I added him on Facebook the next day and after a couple of comments and likes over the past week, he just stopped contacting me. I don’t want to be pushy or nagging but I really like him and don’t want to let him get away so quickly if there’s still a chance. Is there a chance or am I fooling myself?  – In the Dark at Indiana

Let me start off by saying this: people read way too much into Facebook likes and comments. Sure, the occasional winky face may imply some feelings, but as a whole, a lot of guys aren’t super affectionate when using social media. Truthfully, it may even weird some of us out.

If you are insistent on using the Internet however, there are a few ways to flirt on Facebook. Personally, I think it isn’t a great medium for flirting with new people since you can only get to know someone to a certain extent online, and at some point, you’ll need to meet again in person.

If you don’t want him to get away, you need to do a little research. Your best bet is to take this offline and “bump” into him at a bar or a party. This time, give him your number. If you’re still unable to reach him in person, make one last effort and just message him flat out:

“Hey, it was really nice meeting you at that party last weekend. If you ever want to get together sometime, I’d love to. My number is (xxx) xxx-xxxx.”

Leave it at that. If he contacts you, great! If not, you’ve done everything you could. Next time, think twice about using Facebook as a means of flirting.

In the future, instead of exchanging URLs, why not exchange good, old-fashioned phone numbers? In my opinion, it’s so much easier to flirt over texting than it is on Facebook and it also leaves many more opportunities to meet up in person. Also, we are almost always near our phone and chit-chatting is much more fun than long-winded messages on Facebook. To a lot of guys (including me), it’s weird if a girl asks what I’m up to that night over Facebook. However, it’s not nearly as weird if she asks over texting. Also, I’m more likely to respond to a text than pretend I didn’t see your Facebook post, and respond the next day with “Sorry, I didn’t see this until now.”

Side note: if you really want him to contact you, perhaps get him to remember you as more than that girl who he had a great conversation with. Hint that there is more than meets the eye with you and that you aren’t opposed to getting into mischief every now and then. Maybe even ask for his number to leave him wondering when you will text him. Leave us wanting! If we can’t get you off our minds, we will find a way to contact you.


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Sean is a senior at the University of Pittsburgh majoring in communications and minoring in film studies. Attending NYU in the fall to pursue a Masters in Journalism, Sean enjoys writing about virtually anything. In his time at Pitt, Sean has worked as a DJ for an automotive program on campus and abroad in London.Sean is originally from Rhode Island, which is far from Pittsburgh, but he is fond of the scenic drive. Sean likes tea instead of coffee, photography, and fire alarm testing (through his cooking). Sean also enjoys playing guitar and piano, skiing, golfing, and practical jokes. You can follow Sean on Twitter at @seanmcfarland1.