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Wellness > Health

Losing the Freshman 15: The One with the Pie


I had a pretty good food day! I was pleased… until 5 seconds ago. I have to admit, I did just eat a second (albeit tiny) piece of pie. WHY? Because it’s delicious, that’s why. It happens. You can even see the crumbling of my willpower documented on my Twitter.


Monday nights are chapter dinner nights at my sorority house, and I always try to budget for a probably not-too calorie friendly meal. It’s not that it’s inherently unhealthy; it’s actually that it’s so good and so fresh compared to dining hall food that I always end up eating too much. Then there’s the dessert; that’s just unhealthy. Ughhh why does my sweet tooth rule me? I need to make those Truvia brownies that another F15 blogger, Nikki, made. I’ll just carry a Tupperware of ‘em around in case of temptation by deadly pie.


Anyway, I’m going to head to bed soon. Tomorrow is a brand-new day. I’m going to head up to the main gym on campus so I can do the Jump Start workout #1 (they have stairsteppers, my normal gym doesn’t). Every day is a chance to reinvent yourself and your surroundings! I’m going to imagine a life where pie was never invented…


Good night collegiettes™!