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Losing the Freshman 15: Living the Lists


One thing I love about the Jump Start Diet: the tips of the day are short and sweet. Today I read one about cutting calories. The meal plans SELF’s created all hover around 1600 calories, approximately. I’ve been following a plan for the past 14 months that’s counted points, rather than calories, so I’m curious to see how calorie counting works for me. This coming week, I want to try it out along with trying to incorporate more fat-burning foods from Jillian’s list (and avoiding those on the “no” list). I think I can do it but the white flour will for sure be a struggle… ahhh how do I cut that out entirely? Some of those were such a surprise, weren’t they? The dried fruit on the no list—who knew?


What I loved about this tip was the reminder that “If you cut too many calories, your body begins pumping out stress hormones like cortisol and clinging to fat.” It does no good to go too hard, too fast! I’ve definitely seen that. My most successful weeks (and months) have been when I’ve eaten plenty of nutritious food… not a small amount of junk. So the mission is to figure out how to include those yes-list foods in dining hall meals—bring it on, NU Cuisine!


PS: my 5k went really well! It was disgusting and windy and rainy out here in Chicago and all I wanted to do was stay in bed. I walked over to the race with friends though, and they definitely challenged me. I was proud of my time and now I just want to do another one! Maybe next time the sun will come out…? We can hope!


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