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Lose the Freshman 15: Surviving my first coffee experience

I have never been a coffee drinker. 

If I’m feeling tired while I study, my philosophy has always been to take a short nap because my body is telling me I need rest. 

But recently this philosophy changed. 

I’ve always enjoyed the taste of coffee but never wanted to drink it because I didn’t want to be one of those coffee addicts. 

But my roommates are regular coffee drinkers and are avid supporters of its benefits in helping them get through long study nights. They unknowingly convinced me to try it. 

Today, I pulled up to the drive-thru at Dunkin’ Donuts, having no idea of proper coffee lingo. Of course, I should have known that it is imperative to bring a friend to help you with your decision on your first-ever coffee order. I guess pulling up to the drive-thru alone was a rookie mistake. 

But after a lot of questions and a very patient Dunkin’ Donuts employer, I figured out my order: an iced coffee with skim milk and Splenda. I know it is very basic, but I didn’t want to take any risks.  

And I have to say I really enjoyed it. It gave me that boost of energy I needed to get through a lot of work. Sometimes, even if it’s psychological, you need that extra boost.

But coffee isn’t necessarily bad for you. In fact, it has some health benefits.

According to WebMD, coffee drinkers are less likely to have Type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s and dementia, as well as counter some risk factors for stroke and heart disease.  

However, not everything in coffee is good for you, and the caffeine is one of those things. Caffeine can raise blood pressure and blood levels of epinephrine. 

But one iced coffee won’t kill me, and I believe everything is OK in moderation. I don’t want to become a coffee addict, but it’s safe to say today won’t be my last conversation with a Dunkin’ Donuts employer. 

How often to do you drink coffee? 

I am a junior journalism student at the University of Florida. I am very passionate about health and fitness and hope to be a health writer or editor one day. Currently, I intern for Giggle, which is a family and parenting magazine that serves the Gainesville community. Outside of journalism I enjoy running, playing and coaching soccer, and socializing with my friends.