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Lose the Freshman 15: Start your morning with a high-intensity workout

Hey fellow collegiettes! Today is officially the first full day of following the Drop10 Diet, and I must say it is going quite well for me so far. The determination of losing the freshman 15 motivated me to go to the gym at 8:30am this morning, and I don’t have class until 2:30pm. Just let that sink in.

According to my Drop10 Diet email from SELF Magazine, they recommended that today I choose one of the HIIT workouts. The name sounds kind of scary, since I thought the workout was going to metaphorically kick my butt, although it definitely wasn’t as bad as I thought. It even came with a few benefits! Let me explain:

I opted for the “Torch 500 cals on the treadmill” HIIT workout. For this, they showed a step-by-step guide on how to burn the most fat in the same amount of time one would normally spend on the treadmill walking, jogging, or anything with low-intensity. The instructions stated to lightly jog for the first 5 minutes, sprint for the next 3 minutes, and power-walk on an incline for the 3 minutes after that, then repeat the whole process 5 times and cool down with a walk at the end.

I have to admit, my numbers weren’t as high as the ones the workout called for. For example, I ran at 6.3mph instead of 7, and power-walked at 4 instead of 4.5. This was as much as I could handle this morning, but I’m sure as my body gets used to it I’ll work my way up. The workout was still intense and helped me feel like I was actually working hard, and since I finished in 48 minutes I was happy to have some spare time to do planks, crunches, and push-ups for the remainder of the hour. I have to keep remembering to never lose faith in myself, because anything’s possible.

The HIIT workout definitely gave me a more positive, healthy outlook for the day. After I showered and changed into normal clothes, I went to the dining hall and tried to make the “Breakfast Club,” one of the many delicious breakfast recipes included in the Drop10 Diet. Even though my dining hall didn’t have the avocado the recipe called for (which makes me sad, I’m addicted to avocados!), I think it came out pretty delicious. I mean look at it, A for effort right?

It’s only the afternoon, but I think my day is going great so far. It must be like what the great Elle Woods said, “Exercise gives you endorphins, and endorphins make you happy.” I don’t have a husband to kill so we’ll ignore the rest of that quote. Please comment below if you have any workout or recipe suggestions you think I should try! I’d love to hear from you :)

If you want to follow the Drop10 Diet like me, click this link to register: http://www.self.com/drop10?mbid=synd_hercampus

And follow me on https://twitter.com/nicolecheverria and http://instagram.com/echmysketch as I update those regularly. Until next time, bye guys!

With love,

Nicole E

student at the University of Michigan, native New Yorker and downtown nyc / pop culture enthusiast. One of the 7 Her Campus + SELF Magazine "Lose the Freshman 15" bloggers!