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Wellness > Health

Lose the Freshman 15: Retail Therapy


So, I’m a big proponent of ignoring numbers. Numbers annoy me. I never could do math (like, past third grade… it’s that bad), but more seriously, I’m bugged by numbers related to weight loss. I am the number one (ha) worst perpetrator of becoming a slave to a number, and I really wish I wasn’t. I’ve definitely had my weeks where a 0.5 weight gain made me upset or a pair of my size 12 jeans irritated me.


But today I had one of those moments where I realized how silly and arbitrary those numbers are. I went shopping with a few friends at a thrift shop in town, and I ended up with two new dresses (oops. Didn’t intend to spend that money… ah well, I’m calling it a reward for yesterday’s 5k). Anyway, these two dresses are very different, but both fit fantastically. Doesn’t that always lift your mood?

I checked the prices, showed off to my friends, and had them rung up. When I got home, I went to put them in my closet, and… I saw that one was a size 6 and one was a size 10. What?! It goes to show, you can’t take those things too seriously. All I know is that I have 2 cute new dresses that made me feel good. Who cares what the tags say?


Now, riding on the good vibes, I’m going to go find a Jump-Start-inspired snack. Weight loss is 90% momentum, I think. You have a good day or a healthy meal or yes, find a cute dress, and then you’re inspired to keep eating well and working out. The positivity is what makes you get out of bed ready to take on Jillian.


Get ready for a fun, productive week, collegiettes™!