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Lose the Freshman 15: Monday is Driving Me NUTS

This is a sponsored feature. All opinions are 100% from Her Campus.

Happy Monday collegiettes™,
…except it hasn’t exactly been a happy Monday for me. It’s just been one of those days.
I’m tired, grumpy and stressed. My hair is frizzy and I don’t have nearly enough makeup on to avoid looking like death.

Side Note to the Girl Scouts of America: Who told you it was ok to sell your delicious and addictive cookies during my diet and right before spring break? How rude!
Seriously though, I hate to sound like a brat and just whine, but I’ve been having a rough day and only now I realize this negativity is getting me nowhere, but I feel like I’m going nuts here! 1310210 52038156
After my date night setback from Saturday, I wasn’t feeling too great. Even though it was just a minor mistake, I should have enough willpower to stick to my diet 100%. However, I received a Tweet from Samantha Simon who told me that “everyone has setbacks during a diet.” She said that she’s learned that if she doesn’t enjoy herself while on a diet, it only makes it harder to stick to it!

She’s totally right.

For example, sitting at my desk at work with a bowl full of Hershey Kisses at an arm’s reach isn’t helping either. As a receptionist, I normally use this candy bowl as a means to get everyone to come to talk to me and save me from boredom; however, since I’m eating under a healthy 1600 calories a day as per SELF magazine’s Jump Start Diet, these candies aren’t on my plan.
But a few certainly wouldn’t hurt… especially considering my healthy meals all day. Brown sugar oatmeal for breakfast, Sargento string cheese for a snack, tomato soup and turkey sammy for lunch, and dinner I’m thinking a trip to Subway, and for dessert, a 100 calorie JELL-O pudding. I have a little bit of wiggle room to squeeze in a handful of chocolate, right?
Have you ever given into your cravings while trying to stick to your diet? Share your story! E-mail me at allylopez@hercampus.com, Tweet me (@allylopez) or leave a comment below!
To follow Ally’s journey on the Jump Start Diet, check out her out on Twitter (@allylopez), and while you’re at it, follow the latest news from SELF (@SELFmagazine) and Her Campus (@HerCampus)!

Ally is a senior print journalism major at the University of Maryland, College Park with a concentration in magazine journalism. In addition to blogging for the Her Campus and SELF magazine “Lose the Freshman 15” program, she writes for the sex & dating section of College Magazine. Her previous internships include being a UMD “style guru” for the Web site CollegeFashionista, an editorial intern for ARCHITECT and eco-structure magazines, as well as a copy editing intern for The Working Press, a daily tabloid that covered the Society of Professional Journalists’ 2010 national convention. Additionally, she has contributed to the USA TODAY College blog. When she isn’t in her bubble of journalism, Ally enjoys spending time with her family and friends, spending insane amounts of money at the mall, and watching every flavor of the Real Housewives.