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Lose the Freshman 15: Looking Cute At The Gym


Hello collegiettes! Hope you’re all excited for the weekend. I know I’ll pretty much be living in the library studying for my 2 tests Monday and Tuesday, so that should be torture fun. I’ve noticed lately that although the point of going to the gym is to work up a sweat, sometimes I feel the need to still look semi not gross just in case a celebrity happens to walk in (what? It could happen) or to avoid weird looks from my perfectly-primped peers when walking back to my dorm. Here’s my usual pre-gym routine:

Setting the makeup: If I go to the gym in the middle or late in the day, I usually like to spritz a bit of makeup-setting spray earlier on to keep my makeup from melting when I get to my workout. ELF’s makeup mist & set is my go-to.

Cute outfit: Our brightly colored New Balance outfits (see mine here). Need I say more?

Wear a tanktop underneath: If there’s one thing that grosses me out, either in myself or others, is back sweat stains while working out. I’m not talking about the small speckles, I’m talking like you just floated on top of a pool of water. Wear a thin tanktop underneath your shirt to absorb sweat if you’re in any way self-conscious about this.

Bring a towel: Included in our awesome packages Zico sent us were small towels, and I use mine at the gym all the time. Quick dabs on the forehead/nose/upper lip in between exercises gives the illusion of being calm, cool, and collected, even if I feel like I’m going to melt into a puddle.

I don’t think as females, we owe it to society to be ‘pretty’ at all times. However, there’s no shame in wanting to look semi-presentable, even if it’s for the most mundane of activities. Don’t forget to follow the Drop10 Diet, register for Dietbet, and follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. I hope you all have a great weekend, continue powering through the end of the semester like the champs you all are. Until next time, bye guys!

With love,

Nicole E

student at the University of Michigan, native New Yorker and downtown nyc / pop culture enthusiast. One of the 7 Her Campus + SELF Magazine "Lose the Freshman 15" bloggers!