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Wellness > Health

Lose the Freshman 15: Getting Started

Hello again collegiettes! It has been an exciting two days into the program and I want you all to know how awesome you are for joining me and the other amazing bloggers on our journey to lose the “Freshman 15.” We’ve all been following SELF’s Drop 10 diet and I must say, I’m seriously in love. The program uses some of my favorite super foods (yogurt and eggs and apples, oh my!) so I actually look forward to trying something new throughout the day. Here’s a little breakdown of what I’ve been up to so far:


Since I like to stay in bed as long as possible on weekdays before getting ready for class (you know how it is!), I’m not left with much time to prepare breakfast. And with a Chick-fil-A right across the street from my apartment, giving into temptation has been way too easy in the past. But a small bowl of vanilla Greek yogurt with a handful of honey roasted granola and fruit is easy to fix and keeps me satisfied until lunch. I already can’t wait for the morning I make the “Eggy Sausage Stack”… eggs, cheese, salsa, sausage and fruit – HEAVEN.


Tuesday I tried a Protein Bistro Box and sweetened Tazo black tea from Starbucks and it was AH-MAZ-ING. Since I’m a poor college student, I’m going to make this meal on my own and keep some containers in the fridge for a quick Grab ‘n Go whenever. You need a hardboiled egg, a small piece of white cheddar cheese, a scoop of peanut butter, multigrain muesli bread, apple slices and a handful of grapes – all of which can be found at the grocery store. It had enough variety to cure all my midday cravings!


Yesterday was the first big meal challenge I’ve come across. It’s tradition that every week my best friend and I meet up at our favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner, and just because I’m following a diet plan doesn’t mean I can’t still enjoy a dinner out with friends… I’m human! So I ordered my usual burrito, only this time I nixed the queso (that was HARD) and refried beans and opted for a grilled chicken burrito filled with black beans, lettuce, tomatoes and cheese with salsa on top. I cut it in half right away so I wouldn’t be tempted to eat the whole thing, and voila! Although it didn’t have any of the super foods I needed, it was a stepping stone for me to not gorge while eating out. Baby steps, right?


The fact that I have such a great support system has gotten me pumped for evening workouts. Exercising with a friend at the end of the day keeps me motivated to stay on track. When I know someone’s counting on me to be at the gym, I’m much more likely to show up! I’ve been following SELF’s Drop 10 fitness plan – and doing a little extra cardio on the side – and it’s been fantastic so far. I’ve never done much strength training in the past, so having a step-by-step workout to follow is both easy and effective. The HIIT training session is intense, but you KNOW your body’s going to thank you afterwards. It’s empowering to hit the gym and know I have a game plan and a goal to accomplish.

I’ve been transitioning nicely into the program, but my biggest test yet will be surviving the first weekend without straying from the diet. I’ll be blogging every Saturday, Tuesday and Thursday, but you can follow me on Twitter @ms_mojohnson for regular updates. I’d love to know how you’re doing with SELF’s Drop 10! And don’t forget to join me and commit to losing your own “Freshman 15” with DietBet… the bigger the pot is, the more money you have a chance to win in the end! Enjoy the end of your week!

