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Lose the Freshman 15: Finals Week Blugh

Just a quick little update from me folks!

Being on the quarter system, I am right in the middle of finals for winter quarter right now.

I just got back from my little jaunt home… and it just hit me how much more studying I need to do. Oh man. I have done nothing but eat junk today! I started off so well– I even packed lunch for the airport so I wouldn’t buy anything. But before I knew it, I was back at school, starving, and eating whatever the heck I wanted.

I hate it. It’s so fun to go off the rails… for like a day. The your body just feels bad, especially if you’ve gotten used to a plan like SELF’s Jump Start diet. I need the gym, stat. And some vegetables. No more excuses.


Hope the March blahs aren’t getting you guys down too! Wish me luck on my 9am final tomorrow, and follow me on twitter as I get back on track!