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Lose the Freshman 15: Cooking ahead to maximize time

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dailylog29I am a busy girl, as are most people my age. Between classes, two jobs, home work, personal projects, applying for jobs, spending time with my boyfriend and now trying to live a healthy lifestyle of fresh food and regular exercise—time is literally of the essence.

So today was one of those days that I had to pick and choose what was important. With the Jump Start Diet, I’m allowed two rest days a week, which are intended for the weekend. I actually enjoy working out on the weekend (or at least Saturday), so I try to be strategic with my rest day by placing it during the work week when I really need some extra time.

One of the things that takes up so much time during my week is finding time to cook, plus exercise on top of everything else I have to do each night. So today, I decided to take a break with the workout and spend the entire evening cooking. I had bought a huge package of chicken breasts and grilled them all, wrapped them individually and froze some for the week ahead. This will make cooking dinners, like chicken and shrooms, or lunches, like a chicken baked potato, a WHOLE lot easier to whip up during a time crunch.

I even made a new recipe that I can’t wait to try for lunch. Unfortunately, I was so tired while cooking, I forgot to film it. But I must say, the Indian Meatballs smell delicious! I’ll take a picture when I finally pack it for lunch sometime this week.

Also, my boyfriend Addison and I went grocery shopping together. But, he tends not to really buy groceries and rely on fast food. I finally convinced him that if bought some chicken, I’d cook it up for him.

He bought tons of boneless chicken breasts and found a box of whole wheat pasta in his apartment. I had a jar of low sodium tomato sauce I hadn’t eaten yet because I’ve been making my own with the recipes from the Jump Start Diet program. I was able to whip up seven Tupperware containers of grilled chicken pasta with steamed veggies for him to have when we can’t eat together.

I think its sweet he wants to try to change his ways too. We used to eat a lot of fast food together. Then it was me eating my dinners while he ate fast food. Now, he’s actually eating dinners with me!

 It was a lot of fun cooking tonight, and while I did miss my workout, knowing I’m now fully stocked with healthy options I can quickly grab just makes my whole week a lot less stressful.

Plus knowing my good habits are slowly rubbing off on my man is making this journey extra worthwhile.

How’s your cooking going? Have you tried any recipes yet? Need some help in the kitchen? Let me know by emailing me at NikkiRoberti@HerCampus.com or tweet me anytime @Nikki_Roberti

Nikki is a senior at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC majoring in journalism. Obsessed with all things magazines, she hopes to one day be a health editor for a publication in New York. She interned at Parents magazine through ASME and also reported on the hill in D.C. through the Scripps Howard Foundation Wire semester in Washington program. Currently, she is the Health Editor for Jaye Magazine and runs the health-meets-wedding planning blog, The Bloated Bride.