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Lose the Freshman 15: Best Times To Hit The Gym


Hello collegiettes! I would first like to say my heart goes out to the HC Team and all those affected by this horrible Boston Marathon tragedy. I am truly sorry, and hope a majority of this senseless violence ends soon.

First off, I weighed myself yesterday. This week I lost…*drumroll*…2 pounds! Which means I currently weigh 130 lbs. I’m pretty excited, so close to cracking into the 120s I can feel it. I know the rest of the bloggers are doing very well with their diets, and that inspires me to continue to working hard. One of the biggest struggles for me has been deciding when exactly is the right time to go to the gym – after all, a collegiette only has so many hours in a day, and that number is significantly diminished during finals week. Here are my thoughts on when I think you should consider when exactly is the right time to get yo workout on.

Early morning: Hardly anyone there so there’s an abundance of open machines, the room doesn’t smell too much like sweat, and you can wear not even the slightest hint of makeup and still feel fine getting all nitty and gritty. Although, if you’re one of those night owls that gets most of your work done late, going in the morning probably isn’t the healthiest option.

In between classes: Good option for not feeling stressed over the decision between working out and doing homework after all your classes are done. However, you will have to forgo a mid-day nap for this.

Dinnertime: Not right after dinner (obviously), but going around 5pm is a good time because after just working out, you’re more likely to be conscious of your calorie intake and less likely to opt for dessert.

Late at night: I mentioned in my previous blog that it isn’t a good idea to go to the gym right before bed, because the adrenaline will probably make it difficult for you to sleep. If you do choose to go late though, it’s usually less crowded, less people to see you sweat, and better shows on the TV monitors mounted on the walls.

I hope these suggestions helped and good luck with everyone keeping up with the Drop10 Diet! It’s never too late to register, just click here. You can join our Dietbet game as well (pot is now over $3,000 what?!). Don’t forget to follow my journey on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Until next time, bye guys!

With love,

Nicole E 

student at the University of Michigan, native New Yorker and downtown nyc / pop culture enthusiast. One of the 7 Her Campus + SELF Magazine "Lose the Freshman 15" bloggers!