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Lose the Freshman 15: Being healthy for the rest of forever

This is a sponsored feature. All opinions are 100% from Her Campus.

dailylog35In college, we’re all supposed to think of the future. But let’s be honest—most of us live in the moment. While we’re working for an education to benefit our future,  we don’t think about each choice and how it affects the rest of our lives.

Late night milkshakes for the third night in a row?
Binge drinking until you’re sick?
Skipping class because it’s boring?

Sometimes we don’t think twice about our daily decisions, but everything can affect our future in someway. Sure, most decisions are innocent enough, but if it becomes a habit or gets out of hand, even the tiniest choice can make an impact.

Three milkshakes? Hello, Freshman 15.
Bing drinking? I don’t even have to tell you the horrible things that can come from drinking irresponsibly.
Skipping class? While innocent enough, after awhile GPAs will fall and school will suffer. There goes grad school.

One thing the Jump Start Diet has helped me do is make a conscious effort to be completely aware of my proposal3decisions regarding my health. Now I think twice about whether or not I want a cookie or if I’m going to skip a workout to watch TV.

And as many of you know from my other blogs, I’ve mentioned how one of my main motivations for getting in shape is to look good sideways on my wedding day. Addison and I won a ring back in December, but he never actually proposed yet.

Well that changed yesterday! I came home from work exhausted and hungry (my snack of carrots got gross in my lunch box so I was behind on my calories for the day). Just as I was about to eat something, my friend stops by with a clue which prompted me on a two hour scavenger hunt (Which was EPIC! For the real details, check out my engagement blog later today or tomorrow).

After the proposal, Addison took me to Outback and pointed out that the menu had lighter options on it (I love my supportive man!).

But getting engaged yesterday really made me think about my future on a scale I’ve never quite thought about before. This is no longer an in-the-moment sort of thing. This isn’t a short-term goal or plan. This is my life for the rest of forever.engaged2

This weight-loss journey with SELF magazine is more than just looking pretty on my wedding day. This is about my life. I am getting healthy for the rest of forever. I’m not going to just stop after these ten weeks are over. I’m going to take all these good decisions I’m learning to make and applying them everyday as much as I can.

Just like Addison made a commitment to me yesterday, I’m making a commitment to spend the rest of my life consciously making decisions that will lead me to live a long and healthy life.

After all, now that I’m getting myself a super cute and sweet husband, I don’t want to ruin it by keeling over one day from eating too many cheeseburgers.

If you feel the same way and want to commit to yourself to be a happier, healthier you for the rest of forever, leave a comment and tell me about it! Celebrate your commitment by signing up for the Jump Start Diet or gifting yourself an $8 subscription to SELF magazine!

Email me at NikkiRoberti@HerCampus.com or tweet me anytime @Nikki_Roberti.

Nikki is a senior at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC majoring in journalism. Obsessed with all things magazines, she hopes to one day be a health editor for a publication in New York. She interned at Parents magazine through ASME and also reported on the hill in D.C. through the Scripps Howard Foundation Wire semester in Washington program. Currently, she is the Health Editor for Jaye Magazine and runs the health-meets-wedding planning blog, The Bloated Bride.