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An HC Intern’s Attempt to Stay Fit While Lounging on the Beach

Ahhh Spring Break! A time for tanning, relaxation, and…exercise? Okay, so Spring Break isn’t exactly known for its fitness opportunities, but I have resolved to do things a little differently this year. This week, I am seeking to prove that in the midst of laying out, indulging in delicious fare, and sipping one too many cocktails, it is also possible to sculpt, tone, and burn some calories. And I’m not talking about hopping on the treadmill or lifting weights. Such practices may be feasible for an everyday routine, but I don’t want to spend my precious hours of sunshine inside of a gym. Instead, I am going to create four days worth of fitness activities that require nothing more than a little willpower and a dash of motivation. And since the sun always makes me hungry, I will also share a few of my favorite bikini-friendly snacks. 

More importantly, I want to redefine what it means to be a “beach bum” and prove that it is possible to stay fit and healthy on vacation. As someone who scarcely uses the gym at home, I can’t say I’m confident about how this experiment will pan out. But I am looking forward to making myself get a little exercise on what is otherwise a delightfully lazy, even gluttonous week at my grandparents’ house in Florida. Let the games begin!

Day 1: Water Aerobics

Okay, okay, so it might sound ridiculous but as the granddaughter of a water aerobics instructor, I knew this exercise would kick off my Spring Break fitness routine. Every morning my grandmother leads 35 women in an hour-long water aerobics class. And while I used to chuckle as the gaggle of ladies bobbed up and down as they sung along to show tunes, I’ve discovered that this workout really does have its merits.

  • Good For: Stretching, Abs 
  • How it Felt: While I never envisioned waking up before 9 AM on vacation, I must admit water aerobics was a great way to start the day. The water provided the perfect medium to stretch my muscles, and my abs really did get a workout. Plus, while it might not be the most grueling workout, this fitness routine was certainly a fun and enjoyable way to burn a few calories. Not to mention, it scored me some major granddaughter points!
  • Try This: Tone your abs by doing what my grandma calls “the frog” position.  While standing in shallow water, click your heels together once and progress the number of “clicks” until you get to 3. To make it even harder, practice the exercise without ever letting your feet touch the bottom of the pool.

Snack Attack of Gazpacho: Every year I look forward to my grandma’s Gazpacho. This cold soup is super easy to make, very light in calories and packed with tons of veggies and antioxidants!  


Day 2: Walking/Running on the Beach

It might sound clichéd, but going for a walk or run on the beach is a great way to get your daily dose of cardio. I chose to do this after a couple hours of laying out so I didn’t feel like I was sacrificing any of my relaxation time.

  • Good For: Cardio, Burning Calories
  • Try This: Most beaches have an incline towards the shoreline. Give your legs an extra challenge by running up and down the slope.  
  • How it Felt: I’m not going to lie, getting out of my lounge chair to go take a power walk wasn’t easy, but I am so glad I did! Running/walking along the shoreline helped me appreciate the natural beauty that surrounded me in a completely different way and it gave my lethargic muscles a welcomed burst of energy. When I returned to my chair, I was invigorated and felt like I had earned the lounging and snacking that followed- and it only took up a mere 30 minutes of my time!

Snack Attack of Dill Yogurt Dip: Before vacationing in Florida, I had no idea that Greek yogurt can also be a key ingredient for delicious dips. Pair these with sliced cucumbers and you’ve got yourself one tasty, nutritious snack.  


Day 3: Yoga

My muscles usually become stiff and flabby when on vacation. And while I am no Yogi, practicing a few classic positions like the Warrior and Downward Dog was the perfect way to improve my flexibility and bring a little balance into my otherwise indulgent week. Plus, the uneven sand and significant wind chill made holding even the simplest position quite challenging, and the crashing waves that hummed in the background provided the perfect soundtrack for a little self-reflection and meditation.

  • Good For: Stretching, Balance
  • Try This: Muster your most elegant, upright posture and bring your toe to your knee in the passé position. Clasp your hands together and try to stay still for as long as possible. It’s more difficult than it looks and is a great challenge for both mind and body!
  • How it Felt: This exercise certainly made me feel more self-conscious than the others. I don’t exactly contort my body on a beach full of people every day. But then again, I’ve never been one to let a little stage fright get in my way and am glad I stuck with it. Yoga glorifies the importance of peace and serenity, and I can’t think of a calmer place than the sleepy Gulf Coast, so the setting was actually perfect. And between the significant winds and uneven sand, holding the positions was much more difficult than I expected. 


Snack Attack of Peanut Butter and Celery: I am convinced this classic snack is the healthiest comfort food on the market. The sweet and salty peanut butter is packed with protein (just be careful to choose a brand that doesn’t contain hydrogenated oils) and celery is one of the most hydrating, low-calorie vegetables out there. Sitting in my grandparent’s kitchen and munching on this treat brought me right back to my childhood and it certainly beats milk and cookies as far as nutrition is concerned!


Day 4: Using the Stairs

I was walking up to my grandparents’ second-story condo and contemplating which fitness routine I was going to tackle next, when my mom said, “hey! Why don’t you get some exercise by using the stairs?” I was about to smartly reply that while walking up two flights of stairs may be a legitimate form of fitness for many of the building’s residents it certainly wasn’t strenuous enough me, when I finally realized what she was getting at. By running up and down the stairs 10 times, I was able to burn calories, strengthen my legs and stabilize my core all at the same time. Then my mom showed me how to use the steps and railing to stretch out my calves and hamstrings, and bingo! A simple structure that I’ve passed every day instantly became my most effective fitness tool yet.

  • Good For: Cardio, Toning, Sculpting, Stretching
  • How it Felt: This activity was certainly effective and I appreciate how accessible it is. I also like that I couldn’t just stop in the middle of the steps the way I would on an elliptical. I recommend trying this one on your way down to the pool or beach, so you get it over with! If you try it later in the day, you might not have the energy or willpower to push yourself (at least I wouldn’t!)..

Snack Attack of Sesame Almonds: It turns out my grandma isn’t just a fitness extraordinaire, she’s also a healthy snack connoisseur! She turned me onto these very healthy (but scarily addictive) sesame almonds. I recommend taking out a handful and putting the rest away before you try them. Trust me, the line between engaging in a healthy snack and crazy binge is thin for these delicious nuts.  

Overall Effects

I’m not going to lie. I didn’t return to Boston 10 pounds (or even 1 pound) lighter. To be honest, I may have even gained weight this week. But the point of this experiment wasn’t weight loss, or even weight maintenance, it was an act towards healthfulness. I wanted to prove to myself and everyone else who enjoys staying fit but wants to relax on vacation, that the two are not mutually exclusive. I didn’t feel like any of my fitness activities detracted from my relaxation time, nor did I feel like any of my “healthy snacks” were less satisfying than chips and French fries. In fact, the exercise I did made me appreciate my moments of lounging even more, and I still allowed myself to indulge in French fries at dinner because I knew how healthy I had been during the day. Overall, I believe this experiment provided a great starting point and I am determined to make time for fitness on all of my future vacations.

If you have any workout tips for when you’re on vacation, please share them below!

Nikki Fig is a Broadcast Journalism major at Emerson College. She writes, produces and reports for shows on several Emerson television stations and is a web writer for Emerson's lifestyle publication, Em Mag. She is also the Philanthropy Chair of Alpha Epsilon Phi and recently returned from a study abroad program in Israel. Nikki is graduating in May and plans to move back to New York City. She wants to pursue a career in journalism that will enable her to combine her love of fashion, travel and culture.