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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

If You Hate Texting, You Seriously Need to Try This New Dating App

Are you bored with the same rotation of dating apps on your phone? I know I am. It’s an unchanging pattern of messaging — without ever going on a date — every time. So, I’m here to initiate some spark in your life and let you know about this new dating app that wants to bridge the gap between in-person connections and virtual communication. 

Chekmate is a new text-free dating service built around actually meeting up with potential partners, so that you can begin meaningful relationships that extend beyond the first date. “At Chekmate, we believe that meeting is just the beginning, and we devote ourselves to enhancing life’s experiences through dating,” Chekmate Founder and CEO Jimi Tele explains. 

Photo Courtesy of Chekmate

What differentiates Chekmate from other dating apps is that it doesn’t leave you high and dry. Chekmate actually recommends local date locations based on categories like entertainment, dining, and activities. No more excuses that you didn’t know where to go!  Users can plan dates using the activities listed on the app, and can send invites to their potential partners. Planning dates is stressful — way too stressful — but the app does the heavy lifting, right down to adding the event to your Google Calendar.

Of course, dating is made more difficult right now because mingling with folks outside your household isn’t entirely safe. Don’t want to leave your home in the middle of a pandemic? I don’t blame you. You shouldn’t have to go out of your comfort zone in order to meet a potential partner, so Chekmate has used its resources to create a digital dating experience.

While you can still go on socially-distanced dates, Chekmate also gives users the ability to experience more than just messaging if you’re not ready to meet in person. Unlike traditional dating apps where you communicate through text, Chekmate uses voice and video messaging instead. By removing the text barrier, the app’s creators hope that deeper conversations can be ignited earlier on in a relationship. With video messages, you can get to really know the person you’re speaking to — without actually leaving your couch!

Lizzie Karpen is 2022 graduate of Barnard College, the most fuego of women’s colleges, who studied Political Science and English with a concentrations in Film and American Literature. To argue with her very unpopular opinions, send her a message at @lizziekarpen on Instagram and Twitter. To read her other work, check out Elizabethkarpen.com.