Despite the avalanche of television content that hits our screens every year, it can still be rare to find a show that places women in...
Her Campus at Washington
How Westworld Is a Feminist Masterpiece
Her Campus at Utah
5 Amazing Shows Not to Tell Your Grandpa About
Some of the best TV shows in recent years are shows that you should not tell your grandfather about...
Her Campus at U Ottawa
6 Shows Returning This Spring
Westworld - Season 2 Premiered: Sunday, April 22 This insane HBO show returns for the first time in over 16 months. Season 2 promises to be...
Reacting to the Season Premiere of Westworld
After a long wait, HBO’s mind-bending, confusing, exciting hit Westworld returned for it’s season 2 premiere. For a show that already keeps...
Her Campus at Clark
Westworld Is Back And It’s Crazier Than Ever
Everyone's favorite western science fiction dystopian thriller finally returned to HBO for a second season on April 22 at 9 pm after a...
5 HBO Series to Watch
5 HBO Series to Watch HBO offers a lot of options when it comes to watching TV and movies. I often find myself browsing the various shows...