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Articles Tagged With: ilstu
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Shacora Hawkins ’18

Flashback to a year ago: Shacora Hawkins was a student in my class and was working hard every day towards her goals. One year later, this...

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WZND Leaps for Leap Day!

On a day that comes every FOUR years, something special has to happen! Illinois State University’s very own 103.3 WZND radio station...

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Maria Leon ’17

Maria Leon is an easy-going, animal loving junior here at ISU. Maria spent two years in her hometown completing her associates and...

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Teddi Govedarica ’17

When you think of a girl always on the go, you are probably thinking of someone like Teddi Govedarica. You can find Teddi at her Redbird...

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Dominic Moore ’18

We all know that one person who does it all, and does it all ridiculously well. Ladies and gentleman, it is my pleasure to share with you a...

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ISU Pizza Club

Imagine your three goofiest, most sarcastic friends; now picture those friends starting a club… about pizza. Meet Marissa Wayne, Catherine...

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David Ndiaye ’19

Have you ever heard of a basketball player at ISU who not only is almost 7-foot-tall, but also from Paris? Well now you have. I first met...