Seven novels that encapsulate the female experience.
There’s nothing like reading a STELLAR debut novel… except maybe reading a stellar debut novel about a stellar female protagonist written by a stellar female author.
Read Sabrina Blandon's latest Author Spotlight interview featuring Bethany Mangle who recently published a new YA illness story about a character inspired by the author's own experience having Ehlers-Danlos...
Read Sabrina Blandon interview debut author Emily Locker about her book which is perfect for RED, WHITE & ROYAL BLUE fans!
Author spotlight interview for YA sapphic romantic comedy author Rachael Lippincott
Here's the Author Spotlight interview featuring Shideh Etaat about her debut YA novel!
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at NYU chapter.Today marks the book birthday of NYU Alumni Kate Doyle’s quarter-life-crisis story collection, “I Meant...