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Articles Tagged With: buffalostatesnapshot
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Limbo at the Carnival

This weeks snapshots were from the Adelante Estudiantes Latinos and The Lens Magazine Funlamd carnival event. You see students lined up and...

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Rockwell Hall

This weeks snapshot is from the Buffalo State Facebook page. It is a beautiful shot of Rockwell Hall on one of the beautiful 60 degree days...

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Student of Fashion

Buffalo State is FULL of talented students who should definitely be recognized for it. Occasionally, we will be showcasing those talented...

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Whitworth Ferguson Planetarium

This weeks snapshot is from the Buffalo State Facebook page of the temporary inflatable Whitworth Ferguson Planetarium. The Planetarium...

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Dive In!

This weeks snapshot was a very amazing image retrieved from the buffalo state facebook page of one of the students taking a dive in the...

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Fashion Display Case

This weeks snapshot is of the display case on the Fashion and Textile Technology floor in the Technology building.

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Buffalos 2014 Snow Storm

We're all aware of the massive snow storm we had last week. One of the craziest that Buffalo has had in a while. This weeks snapshot is of...

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Games of Strolls

This weeks snapshot is of Sigma Lambda Upsilon and Lambda Sigma Upsilon performing side by side at their Games of Stroll competition this...

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The Falls

This weeks snapshot is a very amazing picture of the falls seen on the Buffalo State facebook page! A very amazing captured moment of the...