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What to Pack in Your Going Out Bag…if You Might Spend the Night.

We’ve all been there before. Girl meets guy. Guy invites girl to party. Girl freaks out because she has no idea what to wear, how to do her hair, and what to bring in her going out bag just in case he asks her to stay the night. Of course we don’t want to seem too desperate when heading out on a date with the current guy of interest. At the same time, we always want to be prepared and ready so that the next morning we can walk out the door without looking like a total train wreck—while leaving quite the impression.
The Colgate WISP
The Colgate WISP (which can be found at any CVS) is the perfect size to slip into the pocket of your going out bag. It has a built-in freshening bead that releases a clean, cool minty taste as you brush (water isn’t needed for this mini-brush!). Don’t worry about bringing your messy tube of the usual toothpaste tonight—the WISP is designed for a single use so after you’re done freshening up you can toss it.

Foundation and a small pocket mirror

Grab your favorite liquid foundation before you leave for the night and a small pocket mirror, too! Got a few blemishes you want to retouch? Simply sneak off to the bathroom when you wake up and quickly reapply your makeup. He beat you to the bathroom? Quick! Grab you mirror, dab a bit of foundation on your finger, and cover up before he gets out.


Face Wipes
Who knew that face wipes weren’t just a sticky cheerio-covered toddler thing? Collegiettes™ can use them too! Just bring one for the night (put in a zip-lock so it doesn’t dry out) and you’ll still be able to remove all your makeup before you hit the bed and get cozy with your boo.

You never know if you’ll be lockin’ lips throughout the night so bring along some c
hapstick just in case your lips need some moisturizing. Reapply when you wake up, just in case you’ll want to sneak in some more lip action later. (And we know you will!)

Regular breath mints
There’s a chance you won’t be able to get to the bathroom to use your toothbrush—disposable or not—so because you won’t want to scare your guy away with your morning breath, bring along a small tin of mints. That way, in case he leans in, your mouth will still smell minty fresh! (And you’ll increase your chances on being asked out again by this guy. Trust us.)
It always is intimidating making some decisions for the first time you stay out with a guy. And still sometimes the second and third time.  Have any other suggestions? Feel free to comment below and let other collegiettes™ know your sleepover secrets!

Michelle Golden is a senior Writing, Literature and Publishing major at Emerson College working towards her Bachelor of Fine Arts. A transfer from Ithaca College in upstate New York, Michelle moved to the center of the Theatre District right outside of the Boston Common at the beginning of her sophomore year. Michelle is the relationships editor for em magazine, Emerson’s only campus lifestyle publication and previously one of the features writers. She has interned at OK! Magazine and Us Weekly in New York in the beauty department. She is currently interning half the week at Her Campus and the other half at Cosmopolitan. Michelle has also been actively involved with Teen Voices magazine located in Boston, Massachusetts working with teen girls all over the world and Music Unites, a non-profit based in New York City that raises awareness and funding for music programs in inner-city schools. Email her at michellegolden@hercampus.com.