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Tutorial: Roller Curls for New Years!

The countdown to New Years is fast approaching and if you’re like me, right now you’re deciding how to bring in the new year with a bang! The holidays are the perfect time to try new things, especially when it comes to your appearance. Throw on a sequined dress, spice up your makeup, and if you’re feeling extra glamorous, why not try out my new hairstyle! The look is perfect for a New Years Eve party!

All you need to complete this look is a comb, a set of hot rollers, heat protectant spray, and hair spray to keep the curls perfect throughout the night!

So, what will your New Years look be tonight? Here’s mine:

Happy New Years!

Meagan is a junior at the University of Tampa working towards her Communication degree. Currently a Creative Services Intern for Bright House Networks, Meagan produces commercials and graphics for local businesses and for fashion blogs. She has worked at a daycare for six years and has a love for children-especially her kindergarteners! She has had a passion for television production since the third grade and in her spare time, she attempts to learn as much as she can about the newest technology. Like most girls, Meagan loves shopping and makeup-she is a beauty guru on YouTube as well. A true believer in milk chocolate and laughter, she always loves to have a good time, whether it is with friends and family, or with her kindergartners at her daycare job. She hopes to pursue her interests in design and television production while in college.