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The Home Depot / Lively Root / Jungalow
The Home Depot x Her Campus

5 Reasons Plants Should Be on Your Dorm Shopping List

This is a sponsored feature. All opinions are 100% from Her Campus.


Walking into your first dorm room is something you’ll never forget. I certainly remember what ran through my mind when I stepped into my freshman year dorm. Taking in the white cinderblock walls, fluorescent ceiling lights, and old linoleum floors, all I could think about was how I was going to make the space as comfortable and livable as my room at home—if that was even possible.

Turns out (to my surprise), it was! And while the posters, blankets, and string lights certainly helped, one decor category stood out above the rest: plants.

From succulents to cacti, monstera, and more, plants are the perfect finishing touch that take a blah dorm room and transform it into a space you actually enjoy being in. Still on the fence about tapping into your green thumb? Here are 5 reasons you should add plants to your dorm shopping list.

1. They can boost your mood.

Yes, the collection of succulents on your windowsill could help you boost your mental wellbeing. In fact, one study found that interacting with indoor plants contributes to lower levels of physiological and psychological stress. And when midterms, finals, and that paper you’ve been dreading roll around, you’ll want all of the stress-reducing magic you can get.

2. They add color to your space.

Most dorm rooms feature finishes in simple, neutral colors (remember those white cinderblock walls I mentioned before?). It’s your job to bring the space to life in your favorite color palette. Artwork and posters are an obvious way to make your dorm more vibrant, but plants also offer their own piece of the rainbow. Plus, there are so many options to choose from. Want something bold? Anthurium’s red flowers offer a bright splash of color. Looking for a plant that’s a little more subtle? Opt for the soft, pastel coloring of an Echeveria Rose Succulent.

Costa Farms Blooming Anthurium Plant, $35

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Lively Root Echeveria Rose Succulent, $38

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Jungalow Calathea Ornata Plant, $25

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3. You can accessorize with fun pots and vases.

Adding a few plants isn’t the only way to spice up your space—you can also have fun with the pots and vases you put them in! With so many styles available, you have total freedom to get creative here. And if you’re looking for a new, hands-on hobby, you could even try making one yourself!

H&M Plant Pot with Bubbles in Light Green, $25

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Peach 7 Pebble Ceramic Indoor Planter, $45


SCANDINORDICA Disco Ball Planter, $40

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4. Plant care is self-care.

Believe it or not, taking care of your plants can also help you take care of yourself. The process of potting, watering, and maintaining your plants can be meditative, giving you the perfect opportunity to disconnect and focus on the present moment. And for those of us who often forget to drink enough water every day (guilty!), watering your plants is the perfect reminder to make sure you’re getting the hydration you need, too.

5. There are a ton of beginner-friendly options.

I’ll be honest, my thumb is far from green. And as someone with virtually no gardening experience, I was a little hesitant to get my first houseplant. The good news? You don’t have to be an expert to be a successful plant parent. There are plenty of options that are suitable for beginners (and for dorm living) like Lucky Bamboo, Snake Plants, and Philodendron.

Costa Farms Lucky Bamboo Braid, $27

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The Sill Snake Plant Laurentii in a Grow Pot, $38

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Bloomscapes Philodendron Heartleaf, $39


The best part about indoor plants is that you don’t have to go far to find them. Just head to your local nursery or a home improvement store like The Home Depot to check out their selection. If you’re not sure which plants to choose, ask an employee—they’ll be able to help you pick an option that works for you. And don’t forget to stock up on essentials like a watering can, a spray bottle, and a moisture meter so you can be the best plant parent possible. 

Katy Gioeli

U Conn '18

Katy is a Branded Content Editor at Her Campus Media. She graduated from the University of Connecticut in 2018, where she studied communication and was a College Fashionista Community Member. When she’s not dreaming up new branded content ideas, you can find her trying new restaurants, taking hundreds of pictures of her cat, Willow, or enjoying her latest romantasy book obsession and an iced matcha latte.