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My boyfriend often gets his fingers stuck in my hair when he is brave enough to run his fingers through it. My hair is thick, needs to be cut at least every two months ( I only find time to cut it like every six months), and I have to brush it as soon as I get out of the shower. I cannot let it dry without putting some kind of anti-frizz product in it. And if I do let it air dry without putting anything in it, it feels rough and is always hard to style. It’s kind of annoying but I do this task every single time after I wash my hair.

I also straighten my hair a lot, which definitely does some damage and every time I take a shower I wash my hair (which is a big no no—you should shampoo every other day and just use conditioner). I’m always going to CVS, roaming through each aisle, and looking for the new products that just made it to their shelves. When I was interning at a magazine this past summer, I was able to take a lot of products and probably took more hair products than anything else.
As you can probably tell, I love hair products but I’m not such a big fan of my hair. I’m not very experimental and often consider myself a plain Jane, but if there is one aspect of hair treatment that is important to me it’s anti-frizz.
After using countless types of anti-frizz products for years and years, I came across a smoothing treatment that eliminates up to 95 percent of frizz for 30 days. This product sent from heaven is called the Organix Brazillian Keratin 30 –Day Smoothing Treatment and my gosh it works like a charm!

This easy-to-use revolutionary smoothing treatment nourishes hair with keratin proteins along with rich organic coconut oil and avocado oils to smooth the frizziest of all hair! It even adds a brilliant glow and shine (My hair now feels smoother and healthier).
The kit also comes with a pre-treatment shampoo that you put on before you apply the keratin treatment. It didn’t actually last the 30 days for me but I found that applying less than a dime-size amount of the smoothing product even without the shampoo works just as well. I’m no professional hair expert (clearly) but it’s worked for me so far!
My hair is naturally curly and lacks the bouncy curls Taylor Swift rocks on a daily basis. But with this product, I’m not ashamed to walk outside my apartment with my natural curls. Shockingly, I’m able to embrace them and not resort to frying off my head with a 360-degree straightener.
Results obviously vary depending on hair type and I’m sure someone with fewer curls than me would probably end up having straighter hair after using this smoothing treatment.
Of course we should all learn to love our hair no matter what color, cut, or texture. But know that there are products out there that can make handling your hair a tad bit easier. For best results, be sure to use other Organix products to get the perfect look!

Michelle Golden is a senior Writing, Literature and Publishing major at Emerson College working towards her Bachelor of Fine Arts. A transfer from Ithaca College in upstate New York, Michelle moved to the center of the Theatre District right outside of the Boston Common at the beginning of her sophomore year. Michelle is the relationships editor for em magazine, Emerson’s only campus lifestyle publication and previously one of the features writers. She has interned at OK! Magazine and Us Weekly in New York in the beauty department. She is currently interning half the week at Her Campus and the other half at Cosmopolitan. Michelle has also been actively involved with Teen Voices magazine located in Boston, Massachusetts working with teen girls all over the world and Music Unites, a non-profit based in New York City that raises awareness and funding for music programs in inner-city schools. Email her at michellegolden@hercampus.com.