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About Kasey:
Kasey Amanda Emas is currently finishing her senior year at Louisiana State University. She is an aspiring actress and model. Her most recent projects include Battleship (featuring Rihanna and Liam Neeson), So Undercover (featuring Kelly Osborne, Jeremy Piven and Miley Cyrus), and The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn. Kasey just finished walking in five shows for New Orleans International Fashion Week, which showcased designers from all over the world. She is also a featured girl in the 2011 IMPULSE bikini calendar.
School:Louisiana State University

Major:English with a concentration in Creative Writing and focus in Screenwriting

What products are you wearing right now?
I wear expensive makeup. I do so because I have very unique skin. I am very prone to breakouts if I do not take good care of it. I cannot use cheap makeup under any circumstances. I use Makeup Forever, Nars, Bare Minerals, Dior, and Clinique. I use Proactive religiously! That stuff is amazing and if you use it the right way, the results are awesome!
Your biggest beauty splurge?
My biggest beauty splurge was definitely my breast implants (laughs). Other than that, I spend the majority of my money on makeup!
How do you get ready for a night out?
For a night out, I take a shower, and wear five times the normal amount of makeup I wear on a day-to-day basis (which is zero). I hate wearing makeup unless I absolutely have to for photo-shoots, runway shows, movie shoots, and anything work related. Other than that, I like to let my skin breathe. I usually wear my hair extensions since my hair is so thin from the constant teasing and use of hairspray in the entertainment industry. I always wear heels when I go out. I am only 5′ 4″ so I like to add as much height as possible.
What’s your class day routine?
I usually wake up early everyday around nine or ten. I eat cereal or oatmeal then go to class. I work out everyday no matter what which includes usually 30 minutes on the treadmill/elliptical. Then I do weights and lots of crunches. I then go home, study/do homework, and when I have time, I work at a local restaurant to pick up some extra money.

What are your must-have products?
For Your Hair:
You’re going to laugh but I use the Mane and Tail shampoo and conditioner. People think that stuff is only for horses but let me tell you that stuff really works! Again, since hairdressers pull, tease and rip at my hair all of the time, it is very thin and weak, so this shampoo treatment really does work. I also use Pureology from time to time to keep it healthy and Suave KIDS detangler every time I get out of the shower! I use Aveda heat protectant too before I blow-dry and straighten my hair.
For Your Makeup:
Makeup Forever is the best makeup product I have ever used! The foundation is SO light and the HD foundation makes your skin absolutely flawless! Proactive is something everyone should invest in. Whether you are prone to acne or not, it will keep your skin radiant and healthy.
Favorite fragrance:
I am loyal to Burberry! I love Burberry Brit, and London! They smell so good! I also love Britney Spears Fantasy. Every time I wear that stuff around a guy I always get a compliment!
Nail Color:
I either wear nothing on my nails (plain, no acrylics…nothing) or I go with black. I definitely have an appreciation for the “emo” style and I think black is really classy and daring at the same time.

What beauty services do you get (including hair cuts, colors, waxing, etc.)?
I am really not high maintenance when it comes to this. I get my eyebrows waxed once a month. I do tan before every show/shoot I do. When I was blond, I got my hair highlighted every month, but now that I am back to my natural brunette color, I save tons of money and time. I vow to never touch my hair again. I try to get it cut every three months if that.
Beauty tip you follow religiously?

I do not let anyone wear or use my makeup! It is so threatening to your skin. I also drink tons and tons of water and wash my face twice a day. I also take a daily vitamin and a hair and skin pill to keep everything healthy.
What makes your feel beautiful?
Working out makes me feel beautiful. For some strange reason, even though I have no makeup on and am sweating my butt off, I feel the most beautiful probably because I am in my most natural state—and I like that.
What does beauty mean to you? What should beauty mean to every collegiette™?
Being in the entertainment business, I have learned quickly that beauty is not being tan, with blond hair. Being beautiful is not being a size 0 or standing at 5’9″. Being beautiful is being comfortable with who you are and how you carry yourself. You can be the most superficial, Barbie doll human being to walk the face of the earth (Heidi Montag), but you have to carry yourself with confidence and love yourself. I also believe that being beautiful is being natural. Nowadays, if you pay attention to the most popular film stars, (Natalie Portman, Jennifer Aniston, Mila Kunis) you will notice that they all have two things in common: natural beauty and confidence. The stereotype of beauty is gone and it is flourishing into a more truthful realization that the playboy bunny is not beautiful but fake. Those who have confidence, natural beauty and talent are the most beautiful. And this talent is not necessarily acting or modeling. Lawyers, doctors, waitresses, they have talent at what they do and for that, they are beautiful. Also one more thing I must touch on, the way one treats other people plays a huge part in their beauty. To be beautiful you must be beautiful both inside and out. That’s beauty.

Michelle Golden is a senior Writing, Literature and Publishing major at Emerson College working towards her Bachelor of Fine Arts. A transfer from Ithaca College in upstate New York, Michelle moved to the center of the Theatre District right outside of the Boston Common at the beginning of her sophomore year. Michelle is the relationships editor for em magazine, Emerson’s only campus lifestyle publication and previously one of the features writers. She has interned at OK! Magazine and Us Weekly in New York in the beauty department. She is currently interning half the week at Her Campus and the other half at Cosmopolitan. Michelle has also been actively involved with Teen Voices magazine located in Boston, Massachusetts working with teen girls all over the world and Music Unites, a non-profit based in New York City that raises awareness and funding for music programs in inner-city schools. Email her at michellegolden@hercampus.com.