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Earth Lovers: No More Emotional Showering!

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Okay, I’ll be the first to admit it: I’m an emotional shower-er. Sometimes, I feel like my primary motivation for taking a shower isn’t for personal hygiene, but rather to sooth myself after (or in preparation for) a terrible day. And sometimes I take a shower just to clear my head. I’m not the only one who has some of her best thinking in the shower, am I?

Maybe I just had a really difficult midterm, or I missed the bus and had to run as to not be late to my meeting and am all frazzled, or I just had a super long day and need to relax. Either way, the typical result is me taking a 20+ minute shower, much to the dismay of my 3 apartment-mates, who share 1 bathroom between us.

But in taking the Earth Lovers 3-Minute Shower Challenge, I’ve decided the emotional showering stops here! I promise to no longer use showering as an outlet for the stress of my day. It’s only two days into this challenge, and I already know that this is gonna get harder as it gets closer to the end of the semester. Does anyone have any really good methods for dealing with stress when you’re too stressed to actually have time to do anything else? My usual go-tos, sleeping and showering, aren’t exactly the most productive things.

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Since I’m trying to be more time-efficient throughout this challenge, I’ll not only going to challenge myself to stick to the three minutes I’ve allotted for showers, but also challenge myself to use the other 10/15/20 minutes I would have used showering for more productive means, be it homework, writing these blog posts, or whatever else. How have you used your extra time?

Today’s song: Gnarls Barkley’s “Going On” (2:54)
What I did with my extra 10 minutes: lounged in bed (not exactly productive, but true)

Laura is a junior studying Environmental Engineering Science focusing on water resources at UC Berkeley. In addition to blogging for the Earth Lovers Three-Minute Shower Challenge with The Body Shop & Her Campus, Laura is a sister in Gamma Phi Beta. She is also a member of the University of California Marching Band playing mellophone and trumpet. In her free time, Laura enjoys napping, cooking and baking, and photography. You can follow Laura on Twitter.