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Earth Lovers: More Ways to Go Green

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As it is getting closer to Earth Day, I thought I’d share some more ways you, as a college student, can go green. Many of these are really simple changes that you can do to be more environmentally friendly.
  • Hit the bottle: the reusable bottle, that is. Using a plastic (preferably BPA-free) or metal canteen will not only be more convenient (you won’t need to search for the closest drinking fountain because you’ll have water with you on the go), it’s also more environmentally friendly because you aren’t using a bottle once and then throwing it away. Even if you recycle those use-once bottles, a reusable is still more friendly (and it won’t cost you $1+ every time you’re thirsty). I love my canteen and hardly go anywhere without it.


  • Host a clothes swap: I feel like this happens unintentionally in a sorority, but host a clothes swap with your friends. Not only does this help you clean out your closet with stuff you don’t want anymore, but it can help you find something new-to-you without the resource-inputs necessary to make new-new clothes. Also, donating the extras to Good Will or a similar organization will help your community.
  • Take a break from the screen: Give your eyes (and power consumption) a rest and step away from your computer. Go outside or entertain yourself without using your computer. Now that the weather is getting nice, go outside and read a book, take a nap, or get together a frisbee game. I’m very guilty of having my computer on constantly, but turning it OFF when you aren’t using it (so mostly when sleeping) is a great way to save electricity and save on your power bill.
  • Go veggie, at least temporarily: Meat requires a large amount of resources to make it to your dinner table, so having a vegetarian day once a week is a great way to decrease your carbon footprint without making a huge sacrifice. There are great recipes out there for your favorite dishes made without meat. I’d suggest making this great vegetarian tortilla soup if you’re craving the traditional one with chicken.
Think of these as challenges, like the 3-Minute Shower Challenge. I hope you can use these challenges to increase your awareness and decrease your impact.
Laura is a junior studying Environmental Engineering Science focusing on water resources at UC Berkeley. In addition to blogging for the Earth Lovers Three-Minute Shower Challenge with The Body Shop & Her Campus, Laura is a sister in Gamma Phi Beta. She is also a member of the University of California Marching Band playing mellophone and trumpet. In her free time, Laura enjoys napping, cooking and baking, and photography. You can follow Laura on Twitter.