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Can You Wear a Peplum?

The peplum is truly a trend after my own heart, but it’s wearability is equally heart-wrenching.

While it may have met its first reincarnation at the FW shows last February, (Marc Jacobs, hi), the peplum has since proved its staying power through several seasons, and in particular, is really having a moment this spring, which you can bet on continuing well through the fall. While generally, this seasonless quality would be justification for ravenous indulgence in many a version, the peplum itself isn’t exactly the wear-it-with-anything v-neck tee.

Naturally, what makes the peplum posh is that gorgeous serpentine hourglass aesthetic. But that being said, it’s also what renders it a little eye-shocking if your sights haven’t quite calibrated to the cut, yet.

Ergo, observe the Three Stages of Peplum, a collegiette’s introduction to the beautiful variation of the trend that is the peplum top.


If you’re not ready to jump in with two feet yet, start with “Peplum Light” and work your way up to this black ruffle-tiered number by Miu Miu – very Black Swan(And if you’re very, very brave, try this.)

Try it out! As some recording artist said once, “work them hips/run girl”.