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Earth Lovers: Smells Like a Lady

This is a sponsored feature. All opinions are 100% from Her Campus.

Being a girl in an engineering major, I’ve been in super imbalanced classes, like being only one of three females in a class of 25. I’ve got to see the silly looks some of the boys give me when I wear my sorority’s letters or (when the weather is finally nice and I don’t have lab) an above-the-knees skirt to class. I’ve been the lab partner people fight over because I once made my group blueberry bread.

But probably worst of all, I’ve had to smell the my male classmates. I’m not saying all boy engineering students smell bad. I’m not even saying most smell bad, but there is always those one or two people in a class that just smell… off.

The worst I can remember was in my Engineering 7 intro to MatLab programming class during the spring of my freshman year. I chalk it up to most, if not all, of the students being freshman, perhaps too stressed about their first year of engineering to have the time or energy to have proper hygiene. It wasn’t helpful that it was right when it started getting warmer and our lecture hall didn’t have air conditioning. Whatever the case, I would get to class early so I could strategically pick a seat away from those who smelt bad or at least upwind from them.

52f9e8cbAnd sometimes, I just want to smell like a lady. To remember that, despite my classes that dictate my clothing for “lab safety”, I am among the few, the proud, the brave, the female engineering students.

So when I received this goodie box of Shower Gels for Earth Lovers from The Body Shop, I was really, really excited. They combine two of my favorite things: stuff that smells good and stuff that is easy on the environment. And let me tell you, it all smells real good.

This morning I tried the Fig & Rosemary variety, and it was great! It made my whole bathroom smell great, too. I haven’t tried the Rainforest Shampoo or Conditioner yet, but I can’t wait to tomorrow. I’ll smell so good in my classes, those engineering boys won’t know what hit them. :)

Today’s song: Glee’s version of “Gold Digger” (3:00)
What I did with my extra time: braided my hair so I’d have cute waves when it dried

Laura is a junior studying Environmental Engineering Science focusing on water resources at UC Berkeley. In addition to blogging for the Earth Lovers Three-Minute Shower Challenge with The Body Shop & Her Campus, Laura is a sister in Gamma Phi Beta. She is also a member of the University of California Marching Band playing mellophone and trumpet. In her free time, Laura enjoys napping, cooking and baking, and photography. You can follow Laura on Twitter.