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Name: Matt Cooper
Major: Industrial Design
Year: Junior
Age: 21
Relationship Status: Single

What are you involved in on campus? Track team and president of Phi Eta Sigma honor society.
What is your ideal woman? Outgoing, caring, and knows when to work and play hard.
What is your ideal date? Taking her out to eat then watching a movie or getting together with some friends.
What would you consider your best attribute? Probably being pretty laid back
What can a girl do to get your attention? Ask me to dance.
Celebrity Crush: Kate Beckinsale.
What is one thing that people don’t know about you? I can play the saxophone.
Boxers or Briefs: Briefs.
What are yor goals for the rest of your time at Auburn? To soak up everyday because they are flying by!
What are your post-graduate plans? Either go to grad school or get a job near the coast.
What is your favorite part of attending Auburn? My favorite part is meeting new people and having a great time.
Favorite thing to do on weekends: Go to the lake or see what’s going on downtown.
What would be your perfect Valentine’s Day Gift for your girl? A heart necklace And roses.
How would you describe the Auburn women of today? In a few words: Classy, beautiful, and goal-oriented.

Name: Frank Brown
Year: 2016
Hometown: Hampton, VA

Extracurricular activities: Football, Track and Field

Why did you nominate him? 
Frank is one of the sweetest, cutest guys that I know. He is absolutely adorable and any girl would be lucky to be around him. Everyone should get to know Frank because he is just amazing. And he is CUTE! — Claire Glick



Name: Jalen Adair
Graduation Year: 2015
Major: Business Management with minor in Computer Science – To be a computer store owner / website manager
Relationship Status: Single

Favorite Pickup Line: “Hey, what’s up with you?”
Ideal Date: Go to eat, movies, or go on a drive to have time to talk. Romantic shit… Long walks on trails with the stars gleaming down on us. 
Interests / Hobbies: Computers, working out, basketball, football, track, collecting cards, socializing
Favorite TV Show: The Simpsons
Favorite Movie: The Dark Knight
Life Motto: “Protect those who are close to you.”


Name: Aleksey Graboviy
Hometown: Lviv, Ukraine
Graduation year: 2014
Major: Accounting because I want to get a higher-paying job after law school
Clubs: World Change Coalition, Gatton Student Research Publication
Favorite thing about UK: the campus and its’ amenities

Now for the important stuff, ladies!
Relationship status: single
Ideal date: an adventure
Best pick up line: “If you were a booger, I’d pick you first”
First thing you notice in the opposite sex: eyes and personality
Hobbies/Interests: Judo, car racing, drifting (track), chess, and piano
Biggest fear: the dark (side of the force)
Favorite color: Blue
Fun fact: I speak four languages
Life motto: “Watch your thoughts, for they become words. Watch your words, for they become actions. Watch your actions, for they become habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. Watch your character for it becomes your destiny.”



This Campus Cutie has a contagious smile you won’t be able to get away from! Whether he is on the track, the soccer field, or cracking a book in the library, he makes friends wherever he goes with his wit and charisma. We’re so glad this Bosnian charmer has made Connecticut College his home! You might remember him as the devoted and enthusiastic salesman for club soccer at Harvestfest, but if you haven’t met this cutie yet, here is your chance! 

Name: Haris Kuljancic
Year: 2016        
Hometown: Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Major: Economics
Relationship Status: Single

How has your experience been as a freshman at Conn thus far? Any particularly memorable moments you want to share with us?
I love Conn and all of the people I have met so far. There are just too many memorable moments, but if I had to choose, I would have to say selling the club soccer naked calendars during Harvestfest was a great time. 

What activities are you involved with on campus? 
I’m a part of the indoor and outdoor track team and I play club soccer. I am also part of Yalla Bina, the Arabic club on campus.

Describe yourself in three words: 
Passionate, funny, and Bosnian.

If you really wanted to impress a lady, where would you take her? 
My ideal date would be nice and relaxed. First we would take a stroll around a local park or the arboretum engaging in conversation, telling jokes and just getting to know each other. After, we would go to a movie of her choosing. Then we could grab dinner and continue our conversation, commenting on what we thought of the movie. Things would just be laid back and casual.

What is your most embarrassing moment? 
This one time my cousin and I were talking about this attractive girl in Bosnian while she was sitting next to us. What we didn’t realize, until it was too late, was that she was Bosnian too.

What’s your best pick up line? 
Do you have any Bosnian in you? Would you like some?

Favorite book, TV show, and food?
Favorite book: Room by Emma Donoghue
Favorite TV show: Friends/Sportscenter
Favorite food: Cevape (Bosnian dish)

Guilty pleasure: My mom’s Baklava.

How do you feel about being nominated?! 



Name: Mike Kuhn
Nickname: Whatever you wanna call me
Hometown: Bridgewater, NJ
Relationship Status: Single
Sign: Virgo
Major: Marketing & International Business

How are you involved on campus: Football in the Fall, Track in the winter, also a member of the notorious Bennoch Bukkake Barrage

Favorite place to eat in Orono: Johnnys or Angelos

Best Class: Best class is personal selling, everybody should try to take that class.

How do you like to spend your weekend: I’m into trying new things and going new places. If something presents itself to me, I’m usually in. 

Ski or Snowboard: Snowboard in US, ski in Europe

Boxers or Briefs: Briefs
Biggest Pet Peeve: people who are too pessimistic 

An embarrassing confession: I wore a batman cape and cowboy boots everywhere until i was like 6 or 7. It seemed cool at the time but looking back I don’t know what my mom was thinking.

Dream job: I just want to be my own boss, that should be everyone’s goal. I have some ideas of things I want to do and connections to help me get there, but nothing ever seems to go as planned. Thats why I keep my goals open.

Favorite Barstool Segment: Smokeshows… I’ve met a few too if you know what I’m sayin ;) 
Favorite song to dance to at a party: I just chill in the corner and look cool- or at least I try to.
Favorite food: Whatever Mrs. Maiorelli is cooking (My friend’s mom)
Favorite sports team(s): diahard NY Giants fan, don’t hold it against me
Favorite Beer: Dos Equis 


How do you let someone know you’re interested in them: 
I usually just talk to them, try to gauge what their interest is of me and work from there. I don’t have any secret techniques, although I wish that I did

What do you want girls to know about you: I can come off as shy but I’m really not at all. I’m bringing the strong silent back- That and the combover 

What do you look for in a girl: She’s gotta be smart and easy to talk to. 

Deal-breaker: either smokes cigs, or if I know shes a big flirt with alot of guys i usually don’t even bother. 

Celebrity Crush: Jeff Falvey

Boobs or Butt: its all about the legs! 

photo credit: Katie Donlon Photography



Meet this week’s campus cutie, Blake Michael Reilly. Not only is he incredibly adorable, but his enthusiastic nature truly matches his warm personality and the big smile always spread across his face. Want to meet Blake for yourself? Head on over to Branford dorm and you’ll be sure to find him there. Better catch him quick though because we hear he’s quite the fast runner!

Name: Blake Michael Reilly
Hometown: Tewksbury, New Jersey
Year: Class of 2014
Major: ACS Biochemistry
Extracurricular/Sports: Branford Housefellow, President of 1 in 4, Class of 2014 SAC rep, Tour Guide, Cross Country/Track & Field

What is your favorite Harris dessert? 
I love chocolate chip cookies sooooo much! Cookies are the best! (I will accept any cookie donations that people would like to offer; just bring them on over to the Branford Housefellow Suite.)

What is your favorite place on campus? 
Branford of course! Branford is AWESOME this year. I also really like being down by the water. I’m a water loving guy!

If your life was a movie, which celebrity would play you and why? 
Brad Pitt, of course, because of his ridiculously solid abdominal muscles. I’ll also throw in Robin Williams because he could imitate my goofiness incredibly well.

What qualities do you value most in a girl? 
I like girls who are individuals and intelligent.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? 
If I could go anywhere in the world I would probably enjoy a backpacking trip to out west! Also, the Cayman Islands too!

What are you most looking forward to this fall? 
I am really looking forward to the leaves changing on the trees! Also, I love hanging with my boys on the XC team during the fall!

If you were a superhero, which one would you be? 
I would have to pick Flash because running XC would be super easy. Also, I could run on water then!

How do you feel about being voted a campus cutie?
I was actually quite bashful at first heh. It’s fun and thanks to everyone who voted for me!



I first met Andrew Goble in Lawrence Hall early last year, he was sitting shirtless on a futon singing along to “Take the Back Road” while his suitemate, Paul, accompanied on the guitar (which makes total sense, now that they have created their own band – Nero, My Panda). Over the course of the night, he surprised me by dancing to the Backstreet Boys, speaking in Italian, pulling out his ukulele, and sassing everything that anyone else said. And if that’s not example enough of just how much fun this boy is, I can attest – Goble (his nickname) is one of the most charming, fun-loving, and witty kids on campus. At Yale, he splits his time between the track team, Sig Ep fraternity, his band, and of course, his hilarious suite in Stiles. He also has plans to start an online T-shirt business, was in the workings to open a campus creperie last year, and is currently a contributing photographer and writer for GQ online, having worked for the magazine as an intern this past summer (casual). With all that being said, an interview with Goble could last for hours, so I sat down to ask him some rapid fire round questions so he could fill in some blanks for our Her Campus readers:


Year: 2015
Hometown: Mission Hills, Kansas
Relationship Status: It’s complicated
Major: American Studies

My party anthem is: “Hey Juliet,” classic.

The TV show I’d most like to make a cameo on is: Modern Family

The best compliment I’ve ever received was: I can’t think of any that don’t make me look like a douche for talking about myself… (I’m sure he gets a lot)

AG: “Let’s talk more about my weaknesses…”
HC: “You never clean your room…”
AG: “Yea, and sometimes I have a short attention span. I wake up at sunrise, on accident, which is annoying…”

The best part about my suite is: We’re are all very different. I like being around people who are different from me. Three of us met each other on the first day and have been best friends, but they’re all also just very honest relationships. People just say what’s on their mind…so I get yelled at a lot…which is needed.

My favorite place on campus is: Blue State…wait…yea.

When I’m feeling down, I’m always cheered up by: Jackson!

If I was an animal I’d be a: Cheetah, because I’m either not doing anything at all or going as fast as I can.

The superpower I’d most like to possess is: Invisibility, just because there’s so much to explore when no one else is there.

I’ve always wanted to try: Sky-diving

My favorite book is: The Bible. I forgot to mention that in his non-existent free time Goble also attends Bible Study. Also, Freakonomics…These are good questions, they’re making me search within myself.

If I could eat one food for the rest of my life it would be: Pizza, pepperoni pizza.

My favorite word is: Shoot!

I find it really cute when girls wear: Um, T-shirts.

HC: “Guy’s shirts or girl’s?”
AG: “Either! Both.”

My celebrity crush is: Milas Kunis

Jackson, the resident Sig Ep puppy is: An unbelievably nice dog.

The coolest part about working for GQ is: Sometimes people give me ties when I do a good job. Oh, and getting to go to the NBA draft and a polo match (the Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic).

HC: “Oh yea you took that photograph of Dree Hemingway…”
AG: “The funny thing is I didn’t know who she was when I took that, I just thought she was hot…well not hot, transcendent of that…”

If I didn’t work at a magazine, play in a band, run track, and go to Yale I’d: Hang out with friends more…and sleep.

Yale girls are the best because: You can always have good conversations with them.


Name: Connor Johnstone
Hometown: Louisville, Ky.
Graduation Year: 2015
Relationship Status: Single

Major and future plans: Mechanical Engineering, possibly double major with Physics. I’ll either work my way up a mechanical engineering firm, start my own business or do something with quantum physics.
Clubs you are in: Being a member of Alpha Tau Omega is probably my main club involvement, I sometimes hop in on the boxing club team though, and I plan to start a wrestling club as soon as I can get that all together. I like physical sports. But I also do undergraduate research off and on.

Favorite thing about UK: UK is a huge school, so it’s pretty cool that there are always new people to meet, no matter how many you know. Also, classes aren’t too hard. I like that.
Ideal date: My ideal date would have to include some awesome food, that’s my first priority. So it would start off by taking the girl to a really nice restaurant. From there though, I guess I like spontaneity more than anything, so there are a lot of options. We could do anything from a walk in the woods to watch the sun set somewhere scenic to sneaking into some place we’re not supposed to be. Doing something a little mischievous always adds to the fun.

Best pick up line:  Going up to a girl with a “How you doing?” like Joey from Friends is always fun.

First thing you notice in the opposite sex: Probably the way she holds herself. I like girls with a lot of confidence and a girl who knows what she’s doing is going to be the first girl to catch my eye.
Hobbies/Interests: Wrestling was always my favorite sport in high school. But I also enjoy music and art, regardless of whether I actually have any skill.

Biggest Fear: I don’t have fears.

Favorite movie/TV show: Changes all the time. Right now I like “Community.” It’s a little known TV show.
Favorite color: Green

Fun fact: I ate 19,000 calories per day and gained 17 pounds in the two days after wrestling season ended last year.

Life motto: Carpe Diem (seize the day), because every day has so much potential. It’s just on us to reach out and seize it.
Sports you play: 
I guess I was supposed to say wrestling here. But I’ve also done some MMA stuff, cross country, track, and lacrosse.

Are you superstitious? 
Not at all. I love going to haunted houses and stuff to make fun of my friends who believe in all that.


Name: Andrew Ghent
Class Status: Freshman
Age: 18
Major: Psychology

Quote To Live By: “Things work out best for those who make the best out of things”

Taken or Single: Single

Ideal Girl: Funny, outgoing, unique

Favorite Sport: Track

Ideal Date: On the beach

Zodiac Sign: Pisces


Name: Dave Revens
Year: 2014
Hometown: Warwick, Rhode Island
Major: Business

Relationship Status: Single
Campus Involvement: Kappa Alpha Order, community service
Interests: Football, running/track, & hanging out with friends


Name: Jonny St. Preux
Major: Biomedical Science
Year: Second
Hometown: Boston, Massachusetts

Interest: Playing soccer, running track, listening to music (especially 2 Chainz) and socializing
Activities: I’m a member of the RIT track team. My events are sprinting and running.
Relationship Status: Single
Dream Girl: Rihanna
Favorite Quote: “ Be a leader not a follower”
Fun Facts: I have a twin sister who also goes to RIT.


I am a junior and a Campus Correspondent for Connecticut College! I am majoring in American Studies and a PICA scholar. I was a High School Ambassador for HerCampus in 2010-2011 and a contibuting writer 2011-2012. I love writing, editing, and social media. This fall, I am a Student Coordinator for the Women's Center, a photographer for College Relations, and am also a member of SafetyNet. When I'm not writing, I love being outside and enjoy many many different types of music. I also enjoy shopping at the Container Store, sharpie markers, thunderstorms, onesies, Gilmore Girls, The Newsroom, New Girl, 60 Minutes, and The West Wing. 
As the Senior Designer, Kelsey is responsible for the conceptualization and design of solutions that support and strengthen Her Campus on all levels. While managing junior designers, Kelsey manages and oversees the creative needs of Her Campus’s 260+ chapters nationwide and abroad. Passionate about campaign ideation and finding innovative design solutions for brands, Kelsey works closely with the client services team to develop integrated marketing and native advertising campaigns for Her Campus clients such as Macy’s, UGG, Merck, Amtrak, Intel, TRESemmé and more. A 2012 college graduate, Kelsey passionately pursued English Literature, Creative Writing and Studio Art at Skidmore College. Born in and native to Massachusetts, Kelsey supplements creative jewelry design and metal smithing with a passion for fitness and Boston Bruins hockey. Follow her on Twitter: @kelsey_thornFollow her on Instagram: @kelsey_thorn