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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Youngstown chapter.

A couple of weeks into Spring Semester and if you are anything like me, the stress is hitting hard! Balancing work, school, clubs, and every other thing in the world is a daunting task. I am here to provide you with the tips and tricks I am using to get my life back in order.

College is stressful. Here are my tips for a successful semester:

  • Google Calendar is my best friend. I have found it helpful to keep my classes color coded on Google Calendar with what days I need to attend class and when assignments are due.
  • Spend that $4 on a coffee. Going to an on campus coffee shop to study is a great way to make study buddies and new friends. It is like having your own little school support group!
  • Check your classwork everyday. Sometimes professors upload assignments at last minute or forget to tell you they put grades up. Checking online everyday will help you keep that GPA up.
  • Study in incriments. I have found that studying in 30 minute incriments makes me most successful. I like to take a break because it helps me become fully focused again.

Ever feel alone on campus? Here is how to get rid of that feeling:

  • Go to a student organization fair. Strike up conversations with different clubs and groups around our campus. You will probably find one group you REALLY love. This will help create familiar faces around your campus.
  • Smile at people. Most other students are also feeling alone and craving friendships. A smile makes you seem more approachable and more people will be willing to strike up a random conversation.
  • Be kind to on campus workers. These people will remember your kindness and will treat you with that same kindness everytime you come around. Just the smallest conversations can make campus life so much better.

College is not always the best time of your life, but it is what you make of it. If Spring Semester is getting you down just remember that you got this! I am proud of you!

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Natalia Kresic

Youngstown '24

Hi! My name is Natalia, but most people call me Nat! I attend Youngstown State University where I am currently studying Marketing Management. I am passionate about advocating for Mental Health and enjoy fostering a positive environment for those around me! I am a little too obsessed with Chistmas movies and hot cocoa. When I am not studying, you can find me at my sewing machine working on my latest projects!