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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Youngstown chapter.

With summer quickly approaching, I know that the last thing on most people’s minds is what book they are going to kick off their summer reading. Everyone is tired of school, right? We all want a break from any brain stimulating activity. However, it can be nice to sit outside in the nice weather, by the pool, or even at the beach if you are lucky enough, with a nice book to keep you entertained. Or perhaps, you may not know what book you want to read. This is where I am hoping to help you out. I have compiled a list of five books that I think would make for the best summer reads.

Things We Know by Heart by Jessi Kirby

This book is perfect for the summer because the main character, Quinn, practically lives out all of our dream summers. She makes many trips to a beach on the coast of California to visit her boy friend… boyfriend…? I guess you’ll have to read to find out. However, Quinn’s past is not as pretty as her present. She finds herself meeting this boy, named Colton, because he was the recipient of her ex-boyfriend Trent’s heart. She is simply searching for closure by observing Colton in his everyday life, so she is not prepared when they meet in a coffee shop. This book brings readers through the budding friendship of Quinn and Colton, while also giving the chance to witness Quinn piece her life back together without Trent in it.  

The Rest of the Story by Sarah Dessen

Emma has not seen her mother’s side of the family in years, after her mother passed away. However, she gets the opportunity to spend the summer with them while her dad and new stepmother vacation in Europe. Emma quickly learns the importance of family and cherishes how nice it is to have many different cousins or aunts or uncles. Emma, who is known by these family members and friends as Sailor, also has the opportunity to rekindle a friendship with a boy she knew as a young girl. Between cleaning up hotel rooms to help her family out, learning how to drive, and going to the ritzy side of the island to suit her cousin, Sailor has her hands full, but she definitely loves it.

Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys

Okay, if you have read the write up on this book or have even seen the genre, I know what you are thinking. How could a historical fiction book about World War 2 possibly be a good summer read? I also thought the same thing before I actually started the book. Let me just say that this was the first book in a long time that I was unable to put down. It depicts four different viewpoints of young adults on their journey to safety from the Russians and Germans. I do not want to say much more and give anything away. You’re just going to have to take my word on this one!

See Me by Nicholas Sparks

You couldn’t have actually thought I was going to make a list of top books for the simmer time and not include a book written by Nicholas Sparks. Due to Colin’s not so great past, any more run-ins with the police will land him in the big house. Thankfully, he meets Maria who helps subside some of his anger issues. However, his anger rises again when Maria begins to receive threatening messages from a stalker. Will she have the opportunity to save herself or be saved, or will it be too late? You’re just going to have to read to find out!

We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

This book absolutely wrecked me and left me in shock for days. It is about a girl named Cadence who comes from a very wealthy family, like wealthy enough to have their own private island with a vacation house for each family. However, the abundance of money that comes with the Sinclair name does not solve Cadence’s problems. She cannot seem to remember much of summer fifteen, the last time she was on the island. All she knows for sure is that there was an accident, and everything changed. Throughout this book, the reader is finding out many things about that summer just as Cadence is, while also being exposed to the pounding headaches and need for drugs to keep her feeling okay. This book comes with a twist that you’ll never see coming. It is a great one to kick your summer off with!

Sammy Dohy

Youngstown '23

I love writing, traveling, and being with my friends!