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Dalton Harris

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at York chapter.


Name: Dalton Harris

Year: 2nd Year

Course: Business

Relationship Status: Single

What is your main ‘turn on’?

A girl who doesn’t take herself too seriously and shows confidence!

What is a major turn off?

Smelly breath, and being arrogant

Who is your celebrity crush?

Kate Middleton

What is your most embarrassing uni moment?

I have two… being orange and vomming during my football initiation, coming a close second would be during Christmas Social time in Ziggy’s when I could barely stand. A girl had to hold me up and stop me wandering around on my own, I was bundled into a taxi and in bed by 12:30.

What is your ideal date location?

A nice little cafe in York

What is your best pick up line?

I don’t really have a pick up line but occasionally I say ‘Hey, How you doin?’ in the ‘Joey from Friends’ sorta way.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Elvis Presley

And finally what won’t you leave for a date without?

Phone, Keys, Wallet, Chewing Gum and aftershave