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She’s Got Class(es to teach): Remona Persaud

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at York U chapter.

Name: Remona Persaud

Program/Faculty and Expected Graduation Date: Faculty of Education and Faculty of Health (Concurrent Education, Psychology, and History), 2016

Hometown: Toronto

Relationship Status: Single

Star Sign: Virgo

Hobbies: “Shopping, reading, travelling, talking on the phone…yeah I’m basic, I know.”

Guilty Pleasure: “Listening to One Direction. I told myself once I started university I had to grow up but I can’t help it, still so obsessed with them!”

Where do you see yourself in 5 years: “Hopefully teaching my own high school classes and exploring the world, one country at a time.”

Favourite spot in Toronto: “That’s a hard one because I love so many places in Toronto… but I’d have to say Centre Island. The beach, bicycling around the island, and that view!”

Perfect Date: “Something fun and adventurous. Take me to an arcade, sightseeing, try a cool food place, hiking somewhere, enjoy a concert or a sport event – somewhere I can get to know you and see the real you. Fancy dinners are cool too ;)”

If I could go anywhere else in the world: “Back to Hawaii – such a beautiful place. Or to Europe!”

Celebrity Crush: “There’s just so many… but I think I’d have to say Drake. The way he represents Toronto, there’s something so attractive about his loyalty and humbleness. Many people easily forget their roots once they become famous but he has made being a Canadian and being from Toronto something to be proud of. Not to mention he’s so funny, such a family man (Sandra!), and that body ain’t too bad either… He can make my hotline bling anytime… Okay I’ll stop.”

Something I’m looking forward to: “Christmas!! My favourite holiday!”

Something most people don’t know about me: “Most people wouldn’t guess this but I’m actually a huge basketball fan. I’ve been watching and going to games with my family since I was about 6 years old. There’s just something I love about basketball and the adrenaline rush you get while watching games!”

Advice I would’ve given myself when I first started university: “Slow down. Take a breath. Relax. Grades and work are important but so are the amazing experiences and memories you end up making along the way. That’s something I’ve come to learn over my years at York.”

Madelyn is in her fourth and final year at the Schulich School of Business in York University. She has no idea what she's doing.