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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at York U chapter.

Name: Laura Stubbs

Major and Graduating Year: English and Professional Writing, 2018

Hometown: Ballantrae

Relationship Status: Single

Hobbies: Writing, reading, kayaking, camping, hiking, baking

1. What Her Perfect Day Looks Like: “Every day is perfect if I spend it with people/animals I love, but a walking the forest and baking something delicious would make it even better.”

2. Best Memory of York U: “[It would be] the day my friends and I met a guitarist in a stairwell at school and had a really deep conversation about life. It was the day I realized our friendship went beyond university.”

3. Role Model: “My role model is my Aunt Mary. She is 97 years old and is an amazing person. She taught in a one-room schoolhouse, which she used to canoe to in the summer and skate to in the winter. She loves music and still plays piano perfectly. She brings out the best in everyone she meets and is full of stories to share. She is the strongest, kindest person I have ever met and I hope to have a heart as big as hers.”

4. Favorite vehicle/mode of transportation to drive/take: “Since I can’t teleport, I drive a car. But when you’re not in the city, trucks are the way to go.”

5. Favorite Book: “When God Was A Rabbit” by Sarah Winman

6. Favorite Musician/Composer: Soon Hee Newbold

7. Favorite Season and Why: “My favourite season is autumn. My birthday is in the fall and it’s such a beautiful time of the year. The colours of the leaves are gorgeous and the weather is perfect for outdoors activities. It makes you want to wear a cozy sweater and have a campfire with friends.”

Hey! I'm Stephanie Wilcox, and I am a professional writing major here at York U! I spend most of my time playing piano or ukulele and crying over books and boybands. I'm currently studying Korean as an elective, and I hope to do plenty of travelling after I graduate. I believe in fighting for a better, safer, and more equal future, especially through words and writing. This is my third year at York University, and I am thrilled to begin writing with Her Campus this year as a CC and seeing the impact we will be making here!