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The Elegant and Classy Beauty: Monika

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at York U chapter.

Name: Monika Smolinski

Major and Graduating Year: BBA Accounting 2017

Hometown: Mississauga, Ontario

Hobbies: Watching cat videos, eating pizza, exploring new places, meeting new people, and making friends.

What is your favorite possession and why? “Definitely my cell phone – it’s always with me! It feels as though my entire life is on there.”

What is your idea of perfect happiness? “A simple day spent laughing with friends while forgetting all cares and worries. It may sound very plain, but days in which we go with the flow are the best.”

What is your favorite song right now? “Miami 82 by Kygo.”

What talent do you wish you had? “I wish I was talented at playing basketball! I’m pretty tall, so I often get questions asked if I play the sport. It would be great if I could reply “Yeah, of course!” and be the MVP on the court. #ballislife”

Where is your dream place to live? “My dream place is warm and sunny Barcelona. It’s a big, lively city with mountains on one side and a beach on the other. I’m definitely okay with indulging in tapas as well.”

What is your biggest pet peeve? “When people make simple (avoidable) grammatical errors.”

What is one thing you must do before you die? “I’d love to see the Northern Lights. They’re so beautiful.”

What do you love the most about York University? “The commuting part, of course! No, I’m absolutely kidding. I think the people are the best part. Many of my closest friends, I’ve met at York University. It’s such a diverse school and everybody has a story of their own, but one just has to be eager to listen.”