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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at York U chapter.

It may be one of the most commercialized holidays in existence. Every year Valentine seems to sprinkle the world in notes of pink and red, hypnotizing couples everywhere. It’s the holiday to celebrate love, as long as you don’t forget to show the world what your significant other got you! 

In all of its commercial glory, the ways to celebrate Valentine’s day have become predictable. Dinner, gifts, flowers, and chocolate. Why not step outside of the box and explore some lowkey ways to participate?

Family Time

For as long as I could remember, I have vivid memories of my mom giving me gifts for Valentine’s day. Whether it was a stuffed animal, a mug, or chocolate, it always showed me that romantic love was not the only love I needed.  I always looked forward to it because it made me feel loved. This is how I started celebrating Valentine’s—completely separate from romance.

For most people, their families are the ones who loved them first. After all, the first type of love we feel is paternal love.

There’s something beautiful about the unconditional love families have for one another. It’s a love that involves sacrifice, generosity, patience, and trust. Without these foundations, many of us wouldn’t even know what love felt or looked like.

Spending Valentine’s with the people who loved you first is another great way to do it. Familial love is just as important as romantic love.


Who said the holiday of love is only limited to romantic love? In the last few years, spending Valentine’s with friends has increasingly become a hit. Relationships are tricky, but friendships tend to be less difficult.

Love comes in many forms. The consistency and reliability of friendships is worth celebrating. 

Galentine’s can look like a night out with your friends group, renting an Airbnb and spending the night in, or even a movie night. Whatever suits the group best. 

Sometimes, a night with friends is the perfect way to see all the love we have in life.


I’m the first person to covet a good designer handbag. And I wouldn’t refuse one if offered to me. With that being said, there’s something special about sentimental gifts. Knowing someone invested their time and abilities to create something unique is heartwarming. 

They say a picture says a thousand words, so imagine a book full of them! Scrapbooks combine elements like photographs, stickers and notes to tell a story. 

In modern times, our generation has the privilege of getting decent quality photos accessibility from our smartphones. It makes capturing moments easier than ever. 

Plus, places like Walmart and Michaels sell scrap books and supplies to create them. 

Although this is definitely a time consuming project, it will make someone feel extremely loved and special. 

Attending a workout class with your Valentine

There are a lot of benefits to exercising with your partner. Not only does exercise release happy hormones called “endorphins,” it can also strengthen relationships when couples exercise together.

According to an article by U. S News, “when you do something in coordination with someone, then it actually increases feelings of likeness and closeness to that person.” Whether you love or hate working out, it has the potential to benefit you individually and collectively in a relationship.

There’s something liberating about an activity that can be enriching both independently from a partner and together with them. 

Try hitting the gym or finding a good couples exercise routine to kick off your Valentine’s day. 

Going on a date with yourself

I’ve never personally done this, but have heard amazing things about taking yourself out to dinner alone. Self-love is key to a healthy and balanced life. After all, if you can’t love yourself first, how can you celebrate loving anyone else?

Self-care comes in many shapes and sizes, taking yourself out is just one way of doing it. Think of conventional dating — usually one person asks another person out to spend time with them, learn more about them and invest in the relationship. None of this is limited to relationships. These things can be done with ourselves. 

Perhaps loving yourself is exactly what you need to do this Valentine’s day.

Valentine’s day doesn’t have to be basic. There are so many ways to reinvent the holiday and make it more suited to your life. Not everything is about romance. Love comes in many other forms.

Lenna Kapetaneas is an English and Professional Writing major at York University with dreams of becoming a journalist. She began writing as a child and it is something that has stuck with her. She has a passion for fashion, beauty, lifestyle, mental health and faith that she loves to write about. In her writing, her goal is to relate and connect with the women reading.