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Be Aware: Schulich Snakes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at York U chapter.

Upon entering this school, a sense of anxiety rushed through my body, to hear so many stories of seniors being “snaked.” Through a series of information sessions from students upon acceptance, I quickly learned that Schulich has a reputation, for encompassing a large volume of “snakes.” Growing up in a small neighbourhood of schools, I’d barely had any issues for so-called “snaking.” Why would someone be so cruel?

Not thinking too much about these stories, I entered the school’s first welcome event. The energy and the conversationalist techniques built in these fellow students were phenomenal. Suddenly, a thought ran through my mind – if all my colleagues were like this, how would I compete with this?! At that moment, I realized, this is what created such a culture.

Not knowing anyone at this new school, the inner feeling of desperation in meeting people was unavoidable. Everyone quickly exchanged phone numbers, Facebook, twitter, instagram, and any other social media platform you can think of, with hundreds of people for the hopes of making friends – making everyone an easy target.

In no time, I started receiving and sending infinite questions about school, books, study habits, residence materials, and anything related to get used to the new atmosphere. I quickly realized there were two groups of people; people who are genuine and “snakes” that disappear the moment you’re the one asking them for help. Don’t get me wrong, it is reasonable to assume students forget sometimes or have extenuating circumstances where they are unable to respond, however, when students consistently and I mean persistently, deliberately give you false information and evaporate only when you’re asking them something, you realize you are taken advantage of.

It is extremely frustrating and frightening to hear so many stories from your surroundings you have so many people around you who could do this to you. However, sooner or later, the majority of us are going to enter the “real business world” where there are selfish people that can leave you with worse consequences. If we think of this culture as training, to avoid catastrophes from potentials “snakes” in the future, it all becomes worth it.

As a Schulich student for the past three years, I’d have to say I’m more than glad I chose this school, not only for the program, but also the experiences and skills I developed in this environment. The friends I made from the pool of people where most of us are considered “snakes,” I feel, will last forever because we lived through such an environment together. 

