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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at York U chapter.

There has been vandalism in the school bathrooms for as far back as I can remember. I have never found the appeal to write on one myself. Publicizing the messages within this private space by focusing on examples from one of the university bathrooms, let’s take a look at the various types of people who write messages on stalls.

1. The Life Coach

Watching Disney’s Recess, I’m pretty sure we all wished that Guru Kid would grace us with his presence. This is probably the closest we’ll get.

2. Activists

What are you waiting for? Go check out the links.

3. Angsty students

Clearly, a big fan of school.

4. The Person Whose Phone Died

“I meant to post this on twitter, but my phone died. So I’ll just throw it up on here.”

5. People Who Tell You What To Do

There is very little to argue with here, since the person kept their message short and sweet. Although, donating blood isn’t exactly sweet.

6. Smartasses


7. Parrots

Everyone remembers when Harry and Ron were having a childish fight and refused to talk to each other, right? So, Hermione had to relay messages between the two of them to the point where she exploded and exclaimed, “I’m not an owl!” Owls relay other peoples’ messages. Owls use parentheses. Parrots do not. They simply repeat.

8. Complicated messages

These are the messages that you read and reread, trying to comprehend them.

9. Divine Drama

10. What You Wish Was Fact Versus Actual Fact

You know how people argue that money does in fact grow on trees because it’s paper? But like, it doesn’t because it’s not actually paper made from wood. Yeah.

11. The People Who Force You To Reflect on Tuition

This sucks, regardless of whether it’s true or not.

12. Messages That Make You Feel Neglected

It’s Monday though. I suppose today is supposed to be shit.

13. Just Cause

This is the conversation which remains ongoing for no reason until it is finally covered up by paint. The responses are linked to previous messages by arrows and often have nothing to do with the conversation that was taking place.

14. People Who Use Washable Marker

They want the thrill of doing something that they’re not supposed to. These are the people who get henna done when they want tattoos because they’re afraid to commit to permanency.

15. Adele

“At least I can say that I tried…”

16. The Truth

These are the people who acknowledge the fact that writing these messages on bathroom stalls has a consequence other than inspiring or educating. Vandalizing bathrooms creates more work for the people who have to clean the bathrooms. This truth-speaker also strategically places their truth in a place which will most likely already be painted over because of previous vandalism, so as not to create more work for the cleaning staff.


17. Men

Originally, I wanted to compare the men’s bathroom vandalism to women’s. Since I couldn’t go in to the men’s, I asked a friend to take photos of the writing on stalls for me. This is the only photo I got. Clearly, this person needed a spot to put their backpack. Does anyone know an easier way to get in touch with the cleaning staff in order to get a new hook?