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7 Everyday Beauty Practices You Think You’re Doing Right

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at York U chapter.

As we step into the fourth week of the semester, projects and deadlines are bound to be a huge stress factor. But fear not! Here are seven good-to-know truths about body care myths to make you look (and feel) better. Although I’m no expert in body care, these are some pearls of wisdom I’ve gathered from suroundings to avoid damaging your skin with the wrong practices. 

1. Leaving your facemask on until it dries helps you achieve maximum moisture.

Do you leave your mask on until all the liquid is completely gone? This can be a big mistake unless the instructions tell you otherwise. Masks have a negating effect on your face after awhile, especially if you exceed the recommended time – the mask material starts to absorb your skin’s moisture!

2. Washing your face in extreme temperature cleans the best.

Washing your face with water that’s too hot or too cold, although it seems as it will open or close your pores for better cleaning, can be defective for your skin! No one has time to measure their water everyday when washing his or her faces, but 32 degrees is said to be the ideal temperature to maintain the best skin condition.

3. You only need to apply sunscreen when the sun is out.

Many forget how vital sunscreen is for their skin. Any sunlight gleaming on your skin everyday –little or great—can lead to dark spots forming on your face. Although this isn’t apparent while you’re young, this is an accumulated consequence that will result in the future if not applied in the present.

4. Sleeping with wet hair will promote hair growth.

Hair wet? Blow it dry! Hair is usually weakest when it’s wet, so tossing and turning will cause hair loss and split ends.  Not to mention the bird’s nest you’ll wake up to in the morning. 

5. Covering your acne with your hair keeps dirt out.

Trying to cover your acne with your bangs? The oil in your hair will only cause you to break out even more! The hair’s germs and oils constantly touching your face promote a build up of more acne. This short-term coverage will result in long-term damage – let your acne breath to reap the rewards later!

6. Rubbing your eyes causes relief.

Itchy eyes? The skin around your eyes is one of the most sensitive parts on your face. Rubbing your eyes leads to more wrinkles around them. If you want to avoid crow’s feet on your eyes, stop the rubbing. It may be well worth your itch.

7. Forgetting to take off your makeup will just save you from re-application the next day.

It is commonly said: nothing can top taking off makeup at the end of the day. Leaving makeup on your face while you sleep will not only leave dark spots on your face, but also can conflict with your skin’s regeneration.

So there you have it! I hope this can help you during this stressful time! Try them today and remember – looking better helps make you feel better.

Image sources:https://contourderm.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Wash_face-once_a_day.jpg