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Top 5 Things to do Over Thanksgiving Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at YCP chapter.

1. Catch up on sleep.

For real. I can’t wait to get home and not have to worry about that paper that is due in the morning. This semester has been a tough one, so sleeping in is number one on my to-do list for break!

2. Get reacquainted with your high school friends.

I know in my town, everyone who is anyone will be at the neighborhood bar on Thanksgiving Eve. It’s one of the biggest party nights of the year, and even though you swore you never wanted to see anyone from high school again, it’s a great feeling to be able to reconnect with them when it’s time to visit home.

3. Shop on Black Friday.

It’s the biggest shopping day of the year, so hit up the mall and endure the holiday shopping madness. See this article for some tips on making it through the crowd. If you plan on going out on Black Friday, here’s a great survival guide!

4. Eat some pie!

Thursday is Thanksgiving, aka the day you can eat as much as you want and no one will judge you for it. So stuff your face, and indulge in that extra piece of pie. Can’t decide between pumpkin and apple? Take one of each, your grandma won’t post about it on Facebook (I promise!)

5. Relax!

It is called break after all, so make sure that while you’re running around catching up with friends and family you take a second to breathe (see number 1). In just a few short days, you’ll be back at school, preparing for finals and living in the library #ew. 

Alexa is a 23-year-old PR major from Bucks County, PA. At York, she is the president of PRSSA, VP of Hillel, and a member of Do Something club. When she's not busy studying, she's usually at cheer practice for her all-star team. If she's not there, she's either binge watching House on Netflix or shopping!