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A Thank You Letter To Donuts

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at YCP chapter.

An Ode to Donuts

I want to take a few minutes here to thank the epitome of indulgence, the glazed goodness of breakfast, and the perfect pair to my morning coffee: the donut.

It’s a treat that everyone loves, and they come in so many assortments of flavors. Even the sourpuss at the office won’t be able to resist when you walk into the office with a box full of them.

“They’re so bad for you” WRONG, MY FRIEND

Some of them have fruit, like real people fruit, so they’re not all bad.

ALSO, it is proven that a donut in the morning can help you concentrate when your brain is missing the glucose it needs to function… so….

Again… EVERYONE LOVES DONUTS… including this dog that apparently doesn’t have a body but it’s okay because he has donuts all over his small, fluffy body!

Thank you for always being there, donuts. Even if you belong to my coworker, you will be mine eventually, or just whenever she gets up to go to the bathroom. Why would she leave you all alone? I’ll take care of you…

The world (at least my world) revolves around you, there’s no doubt. They say that whatever goes around comes back around. So if I’m nice to people today, I’ll be able to treat myself to you tomorrow.

Thank you for all that you do, my dearly sprinkled friend. How about you and your cousin, Morning Coffee, come around again? Say, tomorrow morning? See you there! ☺

Stephanie is a Senior Professional Writing major at York College of Pennsylvania. She is a York College cheerleader; so she also likes big bows, and she can not lie.