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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at YCP chapter.

Hello lovelies,

Welcome back to another week here at York College.

I am not normally politically outspoken but I wanted to talk about an issue that has been brought up in regards to president Trump; his wall.


A lot of people think it’s necessary to build the wall in order to keep out illegal immigrants coming from the Mexican border, but there are some major issues with this delusional thinking.


First of all there already is a wall, by wall I mean mostly a divider between the countries. There are people who complain about the wall not being enough because it doesn’t cover the entire border, but there are very good reasons for that. The terrain simply doesn’t allow for a wall to be built because of the mountains and rivers that cross between the countries. What isn’t terrain is actually private homeowner property, or private state-owned land, so it would be kind of awkward if you tried going to the bathroom in your own house but had to have a passport between the kitchen and the shower.


Secondly, the amount of money it would take to build that wall is ridiculous. Now Trump argues that Mexico will pay for the wall or that Mexico will eventually repay the US for building the wall. But guess what, Mexico isn’t going to pay for that. The former president of Mexico has said ‘no’ on numerous occasions, and the current president of Mexico, who by the way has an even lower approval rating than Trump, has been backed by his country condemning the wall. In all actuality, US citizens will be the ones paying for the wall from increased federal taxes, and taxes on imported Mexican products.


The building of the wall not only have a large construction time, but paving roads to get to the construction site might actually do the opposite of its intended purpose. The whole point is to ‘keep out the drug cartels and etc.’ but by making those roads, it will actually become a lot easier for cartels to import their drugs, making the wall counterintuitive.


The last and final reason the wall won’t work is actually one of my favorite reasons; there’s always a plane.



A lot of illegal immigrants will fly over to the US with legal visas and outstay their visas. Their means of getting here is legal even if their means of staying here is not. Walls can keep people out when they’re on the ground, but even people who are afraid of heights will jump on a plane to travel to a better place.


Alright lovelies, that’s it for my political rant.

Stay Classy. Or Not. Your Choice.

Damaris here! I'm an English major with a Psychology minor