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The First Month of School As Told By Spongebob

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at YCP chapter.


When you first get to school, you have the pleasure of hauling everything up how many flights of stairs in a building that is not air-conditioned, in 90 degree heat. By the time you even get half of your stuff in your room, your lungs are on fire and you’re out of breath for the 18th time today.   


You finally get to clean and decorate your room exactly the way you want, making sure every craft, picture, and memory gets a special place in your new home, but mostly cleaning.



You get to know your roommates, learn your way around campus, and you finally get to go to your classes, which you may be nervous about, but then realize that it’s not that bad.




You get your first few assignments, (try not to slack off), and do the best you can to get your grades up while you can.


There may be nights that you need to pass on going out with your friends, and stay in to finish homework or take time for yourself.


You may experience your first all-nighter, where you barely finish your paper/project/etc. before handing it into your professor, trying to hide how tired you really are.



But at the end of the day, you roll back into bed and prepare for another day!


However, throughout each day, you look around and realize that you have tons of friends, professors, and staff members who support you and are there for you no matter what! You soon realize that college is a time to have fun, while still getting a decent education, so learn how to balance everything, and you’ll truly have the best years of your life!

Stephanie is a Senior Professional Writing major at York College of Pennsylvania. She is a York College cheerleader; so she also likes big bows, and she can not lie.